The "You Lie" Guy has Got to Go

OK, folks, were taking this MoFo down next election.

Joe Wilson (that is not his real name, by the way) is the member of Congress who interrupted President Obama's speech last night with a shout of "You Lie!!!"

Now, there are those of you who will say "Well, at least he wasn't being civil! That would have really been a conversation stopper!" but you would be missing the point. Which is, in carrying out that act, Joe Wilson made himself into a symbol of the teabagging astroturfing right wing anti-woman, anti-gay Republicans/Libertarians. He's not just a bad Congressperson any more. He's a symbol.

Now, in truth, it will be hard to take this one down, because the crackers in his South Carolina district love him, and he tends to win by landslide numbers. The fact that he has made nasty over the top remarks in contexts where one does not normally do that has not bothered his slack-jawed supporters, probably because they don't know or care, being largely illiterate and unempathetic. I assume (or else why would they vote for someone with his politics?).

But, there are signs that he is not perfectly immune. For instance, if you go to his web site right now ( you'll find that it looks like this:


... Maybe he resigned?

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How the hell do we go from 8 years of "disagreeing with the president makes you an unamerican treasonous terrorist-sympathizing appeasing troop-unsupporting liberal" to some jerk off republican yelling "YOU LIE" during a god damned presidential speech?

And you know he's going to be treated like a hero by the same jack asses who festooned us with the above BS during Bush's time in office.

Wow! There are actually Rebuplican members of Congress who believe the Anti-Health Care tripe they spew? And I here I was thinking it was just cynical manipulation of the base.


I already signed the petition to have congress censure him and put it up on Facebook.

In the first 8 hours $100,000 was donated by 3000 people to his opponent.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 10 Sep 2009 #permalink

What is his real name?

What, Greg? You expect him to move to Minnesota so you can vote against him?

The dude is from South Carolina, for crying out loud! I won't claim brilliance for the move, but it's still going to help make him unbeatable next year -- assuming that there was any opposition to begin with.

By D. C. Sessions (not verified) on 10 Sep 2009 #permalink

Yeah, apparently, it's Addison Graves Wilson. But I guess Addison was too many letters or syllables, or sounded Arabic, or something.

D.C. excuse me? Am I required to keep my opnion and political activism to my own congressional district? You do realize, don't you, that although I shop in Michele Bachmann's district, and drive though it a few times a week, I don't live in it.

While this should get his ass drummed out of the public eye for a good long time, I have two words for you: David Vitter.

And a further acronym:

I'm guessing too many syllables. Probably sounds like prescription medicine to his constituents.

I believe Congress should censure taking away his health care.

How the hell do we go from 8 years of "disagreeing with the president makes you an unamerican treasonous terrorist-sympathizing appeasing troop-unsupporting liberal" to some jerk off republican yelling "YOU LIE" during a god damned presidential speech?(/i>

@JohnV --> I am totally stealing that and reposting it on Facebook as my status tonight. Do you mind?

Go for it DPSisler :)