Porn Superstore Wins Conservative ASWF Award, CEO asked to Dine with New Gingrich

This week, Allison Vivas of Pink Visual received a fax from Newt Gingrich's American Solutions for Winning the Future (ASWF) group, informing her that she's been chosen for a 2009 Entrepreneur of the Year award by his Business Defense and Advisory Council

Pink Visual is aparently a porn superstore, and once the conservatives found that out, they retracted the award. When they invited Allison to dinner with New at the Capitol Hill Club, THEY LIED!!!!!

Details here.

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Non Story. Nice try, though. I guess Triangulation isn't your strong suit.


And Thomas, your strong suit is ... ? Trolling?

how is it a non-story? it's another in a long line of delusion and hypocrisy from the right. sounds like a story to me.

ASFW = Absolutely Safe for Work ?

By Christophe Thill (not verified) on 14 Sep 2009 #permalink

aww, somebody blew it; it would have been delicious had Allison Vivas innocently responded to the invite and had their "photo taken together".

From the linked site: "... and was retracting the honor."

So Newt withdrew too soon? That guy's just no fun. Someone remind me what that hypocritical asshole was busted for a decade or so ago; everything was swept under the carpet so fast I didn't get a good look.

By MadScientist (not verified) on 14 Sep 2009 #permalink