Carter: Laden is right about the role of Race in the anti-Obama rhetoric

In an interview with NBC's Brian Williams, former Democratic President Jimmy Carter attributed much of the conservative opposition that President Obama is receiving to the issue of race.

"I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man," Carter said.

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charges of racism ... the last refuge of a scoundrel. After all, that is the ONLY possible reason someone would not adore our Dear Leader.

Unfortunately Carter used the word "overwhelming". I cringed when I heard the word, because that's prime wingnut bait. "substantial" would certainly be true enough. Everybody on Faux Nooz is going to be shocked ...SHOCKED!!! by such language. 'Cuz nobody there could possibly be considered racist [in their micron-sized fair and balanced center in their brains] .

By natural cynic (not verified) on 15 Sep 2009 #permalink

Any idiot should be able to see that "birtherism" is at heart racist ... it relieves the cognitive dissonance of admitting a black man is truly President of the United States.

I believe most of the animosity that Carter has towards Israel is deeply rooted in his anti Semitism. With the above logic, its only fair to state that.

Oh, Mike. You still don't understand that truth matters, do you? Birthers are pointing at made up reasons Obama can't be president, so we go looking for their real reasons.

Carter recognizes the legitimacy of Israel and has worked with them to promote peace and human rights in the past. Pointing out when their policies don't promote peace or human rights--without questioning Israel's legitimacy as a country--is perfectly consistent with that. No reason to go looking for other answers.

And by the way, Israel does not equal Judaism or Jews. While anti-Semites do tend to criticize Israel (and deny their statehood), criticizing Israel does not make someone an anti-Semite. Just as me criticizing Obama for not taking a stronger stance on health care, while being perfectly happy to recognize him as my president, doesn't make me racist.

The real question here is why does Mike H hate America and Freedom so much?

I wonder if he's stopped beating his wife yet?

Keep asking those questions America, Mike H's dark background as a fascist and a communist can't hide from the light of Liberty for long - already he is revealed, look how he referred to the President - no real American could do that!

By Captain Obvious (not verified) on 16 Sep 2009 #permalink

You're not using an argument from authority here are you Greg?