My Blog is Better ...

... than it was. Because it's got these dohickeys on the bottom now that will make it easier for you, dear reader, and I do love you all, to tweet, stumbleon, digg, whatever, the posts that you like. So please do that!!!!

I thank the Scinceblogs Dot Com overlords for this wonderful gift.

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... "that will make it easier for you, dear reader, and I do love you all, to tweet, stumbleon, digg, whatever, the posts that you like. So please do that!!!!"

I'm not much on the social messaging and link referral sites. I would need to find someone, or perhaps a web site, that could explain them to me. Specifically how to work them and exactly why I would want to play with them.

I adjusted my crap blocker to get rid of it.

Thanks for the warning.