Kirk Cameron: "An entire generation brainwashed by atheistic evolution"

Yay!!! Wooohooo!! Yipeeeee!!!!

OK, let's see what Kirk has to say about it:

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Sorry Greg, I did watch 30 seconds, but 6 minutes of that idiot is more than I am prepared to spend.

Since when did On The Origin of Species* have it's named changed to 'Origin of Species'?

*Or On The Origin of Species: By Means of Natural Selection.

By Lucas McCarty (not verified) on 20 Sep 2009 #permalink

How about we change the Bible? What do you guys think? Would someone be interested in creating a 50 text to insert to the beginning of the Bible? We could pass them out at churches.

Lucas McCarty:

The sixth edition (1872) changed it to "The Origin of Species", down from its its full title of "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life".

I also watched the first 30 seconds - that is right Kirk, your bullshit fantasy stuff is NOT allowed to sully the schools with that filth.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 20 Sep 2009 #permalink

I really did not have a crush on this guy when I was in middle school. I didn't!!!

I had about 20 pictures from some cheesy Teen magazine posted on the walls of my bedroom. I was goo goo gah gah for him. Ugg. How humiliating.

I don't even know who he is except in the context of these dumb-ass videos he makes. Does/did he have some other function in life? (Other than titillating Serena, apparently)

No worries, Serena. I've been thinking about how very happy I am that I was just a little too old for that and not particularly enamored of the wholesomeness of the show.

Greg, the whole country (by which I mean all heterosexual women of a certain age) had a crush on him. It isn't just Serena.

But he's the guy in the "god designed the banana" video! Did he do something else?

The thing I remember most from growing pains is Alan Thicke yelling "Boner" all the time.

Since so many human beings still believe in the sun revolves around the flat earth bronze age bible, maybe Darwin was wrong about human evolution, at least as far as the lack of evolution in theocRAT brains.

By planetspinz (not verified) on 20 Sep 2009 #permalink

Serena: I was once banned from a xian site for admitting I coveted Kirk's ass when he was on Growing Pains.

Kirk, Wow what a putz.

There's a "confessions" thread to be had here:

"Which whackjob/hate spewer have you ever found far more attractive than you should?"

Glenn Beck
Sean Hannity
Uri Geller
Nial Fergussen
Anne Coulter...

Does Niall Ferguson really count as a whackjob? I mean, I may not agree with his politics, but is he demonstrably outside the reality-based community?

"An entire generation is being brainwashed by atheistic evolution without hearing the alternative..."

Which is...? The Crocoduck!!!

So much for the alternative. Though it has some comedy value.

By Jacqueline Shadwell (not verified) on 21 Sep 2009 #permalink

You'll see plenty of "crocoduck" fossils in any natural history museum. They're called "dinosaurs".

Then again, I'm not sure that "banana guy" would be able to fully appreciate the intricacies of avian phylogeny.

Kapitano: throwing Niall Ferguson together with Ann Coulter and Uri Geller is a very Coulter-esque move.

Kapitano: I used to like Laura Ingraham (in that way) - until I saw her on TV. Instant turnoff. (Plus she's older now, but it was what was coming out of her mouth that did it.)

I made it to the part where he says "Only God can take a sinful heart of a man or a woman and cause them to love what is right."

Then I thought, "Well why the fuck isn't he doing it? Isn't that his fucking job?! He's GOD!"

Oh, and this bit:

He complains that atheism among 19 to 25 year old has doubled in the last twenty years and says this:
"An entire generation is being brainwashed by atheistic evolution without even hearing the alternative..."

Does he really think that during the first eighteen years of these people's lives they had absolutely no exposure to "alternatives to evolution"?

What a fucking doofus.

By Equisetum (not verified) on 21 Sep 2009 #permalink

six seconds. It was the music. and teh crocoduck that I was anticipating.

By Tezcatlipoca (not verified) on 21 Sep 2009 #permalink

i made it 3 minutes and 36 seconds. but, then again, i'm drunk!

There is a reason why people were not allowed to read the Bible in vernacular (non-Latin) languages several centuries ago. When you see what's actually in it rather than hearing about it from other people (provided that you actually have a conscience), you will not be okay with a lot of what the Christian God says or does. He condones/commits genocide, rape, and murder on multiple occasions. Is this the deity they claim will grant moral values to believing individuals? (Nice job on Senator John Ensign!)

Religion doesn't belong in the science classroom. Science is a rigorously-tested methodology that answers questions about why and how our world works. You can't just wave a magic wand and make that data go away.

I wonder what this guy thinks of the harassment of non-Christian kids in the Bible belt.


I find it interesting that most of the people I have interviewed who believe the theory of evolution have not actually read "The Origin of Species". Equally important though, many of those who claim to be Christian have not actually read the Bible either. Both camps are posers who would better serve their cause if they actually had sufficient knowledge to speak to the matter that is only gained by reading it themselves rather than relying on what others have only just heard. Whatever "side" you take, the honest thing to do is to study both in earnest so you can answer the question: "How did you come to that conclusion?"

Matt: since Origin of Species is not a foundational text to be read dogmatically, a number of facts were missing from the picture Darwin drew (or were outright wrong), and science has come a long way in 150 years, one can get an excellent understanding of evolution without reading it. Christians who haven't read the Bible, on the other hand -- well, the Bible is foundational and immutable, and therefore it's inexcusable that they haven't read it.

I'm so tired of Christians thinking their business is yours. I have no problem with them wanting to worship how they come they have a problem with how I see God?

How do you deal with these brain washed people? more thing....Kirk is upsest because children can't read the bible in school anymore?

I grew up Catholic, and I went to Church everday for 18 years. Not even one of those Sundays did I see a scientific study go on, or anyone teaching math, or did we receve an english lesson.

School is for school Kirk and you can read your bible when you go to your Sunday mass. When will the Christians come up with a real argument that can be debatable?

Great idea, this! Get hold of a 1,000 copies, rip out the first 50 pages for recycling, and bingo! Pass them on!

I like the idea of doing that to the bible. I also LOVE knowing that there are people out there who think the same way I do. I live in the bible belt and I swear EVERYONE I know is a crazy wackjob church nut. I'm too afraid to stand up for what I believe because they're that crazy.

Meh, I could only give it 9 seconds... Once he looked down at his hand and started counting off items that was too much for me. I mean come on, he's sitting backwards in a chair like it's supposed to engage me as a cool hip youth? You're not Zack Morris, guy.

To be fair Equisetum, the children of noncrazy people probably have not been exposed to alternatives to evolution, just like they haven't been exposed to alternative theories of gravity either.

I mean I was raised Christian, but even from a very young age was taught that the creation story and the Ark story were parables and not actual accounts.

I didn't know there were actual educated people who believed otherwise, until we moved to Kentucky in the late 1980s.

Like Serena, I too had a huge crush on Kirk Cameron. Perhaps my inability to spot a complete wackaloon was why my parent's thought middle school was too young to date.

By katydid13 (not verified) on 16 Feb 2010 #permalink