It's a bug eat fish world 2.

Giant Waterbug Catches Fish

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I'm fascinated by arthropod catches and eats vertebrate footage. This one was pretty good. I actually had low expectations owing to the bad camera angles on the failed attempts, but they fixed that for the kill. WIN!!!

A few of my other favorites are the giant centipede catching a mouse, the giant centipede catching a bat, and an octopus (okay, technically a mollusk, so not as cool, but it was a cool kill) snatching a shark. (Since I included the octopus, I should also include the poisonous sea snail; it has the fastest acting toxin--which it needs when you consider that it can't exactly chase down dying prey.) But my favorite is the preying mantis catching then eating a hummingbird. I saw it a while ago on some nature program and was enthralled. I haven't been able to find it online though. The closest I've seen is a mantis hanging out at a hummingbird feeder in pounce mode, and a mantis eating a bird she already caught. I find this unsatisfactory. :-(

Wow, music so horrible. must delete from RSS must hope it gets deleted from YouTube.... uggh

I just want to point out that this is "number 2" because it was published by accident ... it should have been in cue after Number 1, which is scheduled to be posted some time in the future. Number 1 is another insect eating a vert.

Hurray for our side!

For me, the archetypical monster has always been a dragonfly larva. No matter the scale; as a vertebrate, it just isn't right to get eaten by something with more than four legs and bizarre mouthparts. It's just not right.