The Rapture is Not Happening

You know, if the Rapture happens, God is going to take PZ first, so he can make PZ collect tickets at the Pearly Gates, then after everyone is in, including all of PZ's nemesi, St. Peter slams the door on him and makes him stand on a cloud forever.

So, I checked to see if PZ is still there, given that yesterday was the predicted start of the Rapture and all, and he's still there.

How could the bible be wrong?


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Damn! I was looking forward to the parking space of the jebus freak next door.

Wonderful. The Rapture is beginning and I didn't even get an E-vite.

If you check that site again today, you'll see he's given himself some wiggle room. He's now predicting "the fall" of 2009. I think that when he predicted 9/21/09, he really meant the first day of autumn, which is actually today, 9/22/09. So pilots, beware of ascending xians.

perhaps the big guy in the sky took pity on your father-in-law's scotch :)

Oh, that old Rapture thing happened a ages ago. Nobody noticed. What with plagues and pogroms and all, who notices when a few dozen people and corpses float up through the ceiling in the night? People probably just assumed they had skipped out on their bills. It's all over, and you missed it. (By the way, all your ancestors at the time were sinners, or you wouldn't be here.)

By Nathan Myers (not verified) on 22 Sep 2009 #permalink

No. It definitely happened yesterday. It just turned out to not be that big a deal. It was on the scale of opening Al Capone's secret vault, rather than on a biblical scale. Remember accidentally inhaling some of your coffee yesterday? That was the rapture.

Oh. Well, I'm glad that's over with.

(Maybe it was originally "The Rupture")

The confusion is that most people leave out the full title of The Rapture, which is actually "The Rapture: brought to you by Folgers Crystals".