Woman Arrested for Poking on Facebook

I don't think I've poked anybody on Facebook. I was afraid. And I'm so glad I didn't do it!

A woman in Tennessee was, apparently, arrested in September for poking someone. Arrested by real police, not some kind of facebook "police" app.

According to an affidavit filed with the Sumner County General Sessions Court on Sept. 25, Shannon D. Jackson of Hendersonville, Tenn., allegedly violated a legal order of protection that had been previously filed against her when she sent a virtual "poke" to another woman on Facebook.

Well, OK. I've especially not poked anyone who has a current restraining order out on me.

Here's the story.


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As I saw noted elsewhere, this is actually good news. They don't need a special "e-restraining order" law, they just need to apply the existing law in an appropriate way to other communication channels.

"It's the digital equivalent of waving at someone from across a crowded room. "

Hmmmmm, no. After a series of mutual pokes, one is supposed to send a Super-Poke which indicates orgasm. There are Facebook groups that explain the details...

Yeah, everybody's poking me on Facebook all of the sudden. I'm all bruised.

Bora, I don't think that's so much an indication of what poking is as it is an indication that people will find a way to use just about any technology for sex.

After a series of mutual pokes, one is supposed to send a Super-Poke which indicates orgasm.

How convenient. Now women can e-fake it.

After a series of mutual pokes, one is supposed to send a Super-Poke which indicates orgasm.

Really? I should start paying more attention to my pokes. Also, I guess it all depends on what kind of crowded room one generally hangs out in!

I'm not sure about this, but I was always taught to poke only those who wish to be poked. Otherwise one could loose a finger, virtual or otherwise.

Incidentally, in cases of Super Poking is virtual protection required or should we just think "bareback" and chance it?

I'm serious :)

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