Which is meaner, cats or dogs?



Bonus Cat (below the fold because it also involves mean humans):

And no, I can't explain that.

And now, from the famous Animal Face off series, Wolf vs. Cougar Remix...

(original wolf vs. cougar is here, embedding disallowed)

This is what is wrong with science education in America!!!!

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Having seen really angry dogs before, that first one looks more like someone tied some string to Rex's jowls. Dogs bearing their teeth in my experience start from the sides of the mouth.

I'm happy that lion got to take a swipe at those safari guys... they deserve it. They appear to be worse shots than stormtroopers.

Having seen really angry dogs before, that first one looks more like someone tied some string to Rex's jowls.

That might partially explain the bad camera work: holding the camera with one hand and the string with the other can be somewhat tricky.

Which is part of the reason that I have two watchkitties.

By D. C. Sessions (not verified) on 17 Oct 2009 #permalink

The first dog is not actually growling or bearing his teeth aggressively. This looks to me like a "submissive grin" to me. The rest of his body language looks very non-aggressive to me. His eyes are "soft", and squinty. His ears are relaxed and he is doing his best to avoid prolonged eye contact. All of this says that he is very sorry that the camera is on him and he wants to make you happy so you stop messing with him.

By REd Dragon (not verified) on 17 Oct 2009 #permalink

i think the question is wrong. It doesn't matter, because angry dog will just stand there and bark at you, while angry cats will go poison you in your sleep.

Humans are meaner... by a long shot. Followed by psychotic kitties.

By Dave in Texas (not verified) on 17 Oct 2009 #permalink

I'm well aware that these videos are meant to be funny, but it seems to me there is a strong prejudice against cats operating here. And I'm getting extremely tired of it. The cats(and members of the cat family), especially the one in the cage, had something to be upset about; no wonder that cat in a cage was angry! These pictures are being taken completely out of context and prove nothing about the "essential" nature of dogs, or cats! Please sotp this! It's getting really irritating and is, quite frankly not contributing to anything educational. Greg ought to know better than that.
Anne G

Cats always win Greg - they are pure evil and utterly un-tamable - never let that sweet purr and lovely fur fool you. Underneath there's nothing but pure malice and selfishness brewing away. Cats always do exactly what they want. Piss a dog off and you'll get snapped at then they love you again. Piss a cat off and it will plot revenge for months if necessary.

/me has 3 cats and 2 dogs ;)

I really love animals and I know if cats or dogs are nicer and I have to say that dogs are the nicest cause cats are really mean to dogs but dogs at least try to be nice.

Dogs are way more nicer