UFO's on Quiche Moraine

Among a certain class of people, the term "Rumsfeldian" is used to describe a style of leadership that prizes bureaucratic turf-protecting, dissent-quashing through barely concealed intimidation, an inflated sense of self-importance, and the inability to incorporate possible long-term consequences into the decision making process. This class consists primarily of policy wonks, especially the left-leaning ones I interact with daily at the Humphrey Institute, and we are referring to former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. There is, however, another context where you will hear "Rumsfeldian" being bandied about, and that is in conjunction with his famous quote during a press conference on Feb. 12th, 2002:

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... the term "Rumsfeldian" is used to describe a style of leadership that prizes bureaucratic turf-protecting, dissent-quashing through barely concealed intimidation, an inflated sense of self-importance, and the inability to incorporate possible long-term consequences into the decision making process.

How euphemistic.

Where's the part about blatant illegality, howling lies, crimes against humanity and spurting blood and guts?

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 24 Oct 2009 #permalink

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Do you believe in UFOs? Have you ever thought that there might be civilizations in outer space whose level of development is centuries or even millennia ahead of us and whose knowledge in technology we can only dream about? Have you also thought that these inhabitants of distant planets, also called humanoids and who resemble humans, visit this planet occasionally and that some people can even see them? Or perhaps you have even had physical contact with them and perhaps you have received messages from those humanoids?

Let us consider whether UFOs are really UFOs or if there is any other explanation for their existence. We do not need to doubt those people who claim to have seen "flying saucers" and humanoids but it is, however, possible that these appearances are false. (In this chapter we will not examine "natural" explanations for UFOs, such as sighting the planet Venus, satellites, weather observation balloons, or other similar objects that can easily be mistaken for UFOs.) This possibility should by no means be overlooked, since there can be a great deal of other kinds of objects in addition to these supposed "flying saucers" and their owners. By "the other kind" we specifically mean the world of evil spirits, to which the Bible so often refers and which can from time to time deceive us. If we, however, choose to ignore this alternative, then we ignore the following Bible verses too:

- (Eph 6:12) For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

- (Eph 2:2) Wherein in time past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience: