Have a look at this veto memorandum written by Arnold Schwarzenegger to kill a bill authored by Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, D-San Francisco. Ammiano is famous for shouting "Kiss my ass" to Arnold at some public event or another.
Tell me, is there a hidden message here?
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tags: Harry Potter, kiss, Harry Potter and the Magical Kiss, online poll, fun
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Image: WENN.com
Kiss kiss, kiss…
Can only read one side of memo, link broken...
Diane, you are not meant to see the whole memo. It is not necessary.
The link, below the text, is not broken as far as I can tell.
Sheesh, am I slow today. (Just today. Honest. :D)
I swear the link didn't work for me, though; tried it twice. I'll put that down to cyber capriciousness.
After a click and a long "loading..."
"The connection has timed out"
Well, you don't want to see the link anyway. It's a plot spoiler.
Assemblyman Tom Ammiano should not have messed with Schwarzenegger. All the bad guys that Schwarzenegger has ever faced have met their doom in a painful way.
Serves him right.
It's broken for me as well, using newest FF.
Schwartzenegger is losing it.
He forgot the line. It's "Fuck you, asshole."
and especially
The "nclick_check=1" seems to break it, though it gets re-added automatically. When I pasted the URL in the location bar and stripped that part, it worked.
Try this:
The link is not broken. It just does not always work the same for everybody. I've clicked on it ten times todayto test it and three times it worked like a charm, seven times it sat there and did nothing. So I'm pretty sure it is the other end that is broken.
But really, you don't want to go there. You just want to look at the memo fragment above and tell me what the hidden message is!!!!!
Come on, folks, you can SEE it!
Let your mind stay open
Eyes on the prize
Forget any distractions
To understand the note
Surely you can do this
Do this is what you want
Enough clues.
Was this intentional, or a coincidence?
From the article:
If this Ammiano was truly the only one to get that version of the memo, then it's pretty clear it was intentional.
Also, I think it's worded pretty strangely. It seems like whoever wrote it threw in unnecessary words to make it work.
Actually, the first time I looked at the posted fragment I was concentrating on it being a response to the "Kiss my ass" bit, so I was trying to make something out of the "kicks the can down the alley" line. Not seeing the forest for the trees...
Today's word: Acrostic.
Can be used as an adjective (eg, acrostic poem) or a noun (eg, the bill is an acrostic).
Acrostics are texts written in such a way that the first letters of successive lines for a word or sentence.
You see? Humanities degrees *are* useful for something.
Kapitano: Yes ... and???? Did you want me to SAY that in the post? That would have totally given it away, don't you think?