Your religion flowchart

This is has been around the internet, most notably HERE, where most people have seen it already.

But, just in case you have not seen it and are having religious angst on this fine Sunday morning, check it out:


I think it will be interesting for many people to see where they would flow on this chart at various changes in your life. For example, I was raised a Catholic. Then I went through my semi-agnostic experimental phase (in seventh grade) which would have probably led me to "Hindu" if there were any decent Indian restaurants where I grew up.

I am uncomfortable with what appears to be ... well, an uncomfortable truth according to this chart ... that Scientology is one decision step away from Atheism.


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By GeekGoddess (not verified) on 01 Nov 2009 #permalink

To be really technical, Buddhists don't worship anyone and theirs gods aren't "Gods" - in the traditional sense of "worship" and "gods". To be even more technical, Buddhism isn't a religion ;) Other than those nitpicky items, this is pretty accurate. I'm just sad I didn't get to answer how I feel about bacon bc I f*cking love bacon!

one of the most basic, and most fundamental, issues that can be considered by the human
mind is the question, âDoes God exist?â In the field of logic, there are principlesâor as they
are called more often, lawsâthat govern human thought processes and that are accepted as
analytically true.

david patrick:I think you'll find around here "Is there a god" is one of those meaningless tertiary questions you ponder while on the toilet. Far more interesting questions of humanity are things like "How do I make the world a better place?" "How do we raise our children?" or "What am I having for lunch today?"