Please give your wishes to Stephanie Zvan

If you read my blog, you know my friend Stephanie, who co-blogs with Mike Haubrich and me at Quiche Moraine, and who writes Almost Diamonds. Stephanie is undergoing surgery this morning, so I thought you'd like to go here and leave her a note.

What are the details of her surgery? Not my place to tell, really. Not because it's private or anything, but because we are both bloggers and it is against the blogger's code to live blog someone else while they are unconscious. I'm sure Stephanie will fill us in in time. I'll just say that this is relatively routine in the larger picture of things and I'm confident that she'll be fine.

So, why are you still reading this? You should be here leaving her a get-well phrase.

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And when I read the blog title I thought you were going to ask us to pray for her...

By Rich Wilson (not verified) on 03 Nov 2009 #permalink