Top Ten Internet Videos Countdown: #1

You tell me. Vote for your favorite internet video in the comments section below.

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Hi Greg,

Not sure if I'm taking this too seriously but the Pale Blue Dot clip, by Carl Sagan, is my favourite clip, because I think that it is the most profound and poignant message I've ever heard, and it applies to every single human.

Kind Regards, James.

By James Spiller (not verified) on 01 Dec 2009 #permalink

Exploding whale!

I was fully expecting #1 to be The Evolution of Dance, which is the only hugely viral video you haven't shown yet. But since you're asking for my favorite, I'm going to have to go with (and mind you, I'm a YouTube junkie, so this decision wasn't easy and I'll probably be changing my mind a few comments from now) this Ted Haggard parody.

Pale Blue Dot!
Thanks James! I'm not enough of a YouTube regular to realize that this gem was still out there.

It's so appropriate for right now.

I'd have to say that for just laughs: Cop Shots Himself in Front of a Class of Grade schoolers.

I think that that 'Matt reveals the Hoax is a Hoax' is the perfect explanation as to why this country believes in creationism.

By Rich Wilson (not verified) on 02 Dec 2009 #permalink