This Cougar is Heading Towards My House

This is police dash cam video of a cougar just across the Mississippi from my place, in the town of Champlin. The Cougar was spotted heading towards the river. Strangely, a few hours after this cat was spotted by Champlin cops, there was a report of another cougar a few miles east on the other side of the river. This is either a very active cat or a publicity seeking copy cat (or confused person).

We are expecting snow tomorrow. Cougar tracking season begins!!!!


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I think I read that this video was captured early Sat. morning - and the sighting in Vadnais was at 9pm tonight.

Yup, dogs are definitely cuter than cats. I'm glad I don't have to deal with big cats anymore.

By MadScientist (not verified) on 07 Dec 2009 #permalink

Wow, looks either well-fed or pregnant...(I'm gonna be really embarrassed if its a male...)

Don't let the Chicago cops near it!!! They killed one in the city just last year.

I have a big Monterey Pine in my yard that a mountain lion likes to hang out in. I've actually run into him/her in my back yard once, and have had animals stuck in the tree that it has killed. I live next to a large forest, with LOTS of wildlife. I look both ways and leave cautiously at night. So far, it has behaved appropriately (5 years), usually hidden and secretive, except for the one time I surprised it (and it, me).

Wow, gwen, that's quite a story! May I ask, approximately what neck of the woods you're in? And do (did?) you have any companion animals? (Or--shudder--small kids?)

California Bay area, we have a huge ridgeline that probably runs 100 miles, with many small lakes in it. It provides cover and a path for wildlife to traverse. I have gotten everything in my yard but bears (there are no bears in the area). I have had wild boar rooting in my yard, deer kicking out slats in my fence--letting the dog out, skunks, raccoons (the mt lion got one and put it in the tree). The mt lion has gotten into my recycling bin, one night I walked within 10 ft of him before realizing it was the lion and not a raccoon (he was on top of the garage, and it was dark). I don't go into my back yard after dark, and the local animal control is aware of the situation. I can smell him ever so often when he(?) comes to mark his territory, smells VERY strongly of cat! No small kids, visitor always get warned not to park near the tree after dark and to look around! Oh, I technically live in a city, but the forest is less than a block away!

Gwen, you are my sister's neighbor. Her place is known (very) locally as Camp Cougar.

Gwen--thanks! Sounds very exciting, if a tad worrisome. Those animal corridors are so cool & so important. So you do have a dog, eh? No probs on that front?

You should be able to smell her perfume by now.

Yes, Greg. As Jay points out, you should be very, very careful. It's possible that what's been sighted in your neighborhood is actually a woman who likes to have sex with...with younger men. I know you've been through a lot and handled it well, but it's okay to admit to being scared of this. This sort of woman is so unnaturally predatory that she might even have...well, you know...teeth...down there!!!

Greg, I live next to Lake Chabot. It always amuses me when once or twice a year, usually in the summer, someone will spot a mountain lion, not realizing they are always there, and there will be a TV crew interviewing that person as if the appearance is an anomaly, instead of a quite normal part of the fauna. I tell people, where you see a lot of deer--you will see a lot of deer eaters! It is unrealistic to think there will be one without the other. We have a pair of bald eagles nesting at the lake for the first time in over 100 years, I have spotted one or the others occasionally at dusk, flying overhead. Anyway, rule number one is to be aware of your surroundings at all times!!

Gwen, sounds nice. My sister is across the bay area and south, near Castle Rock.