
This video does not show the tomato incident, but talks about it. More interesting is the depicted assembly line:

Here's one of our local news reports:

The following is the closest thing I could find to a Japanese simulation of the event:

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Too bad. This kind of thing just feeds the idea of Palin as a victim of unreasonable left wing bias. It should be easy enough to defeat her based on the nonsense that is in her book.

Here is what they make you go through to get a book signed by her. I've never been to a book signing before, but I somehow doubt these are typical procedures...


The title of the second You Tube video is "Communist throws a Tomato at Sarah Palin". And we know the thrower is a communist because...


Books in the first pile are scanned through to look for any prank graffiti or whatever, so Sarah doesnât open them and find pictures of fat donkey penises on the title page, which would produce a comical and well-Internetted reaction.

Now that would be funny.

We know he's a communist because tomatoes are red.

I worked in book stores for over eight years and worked on a couple dozen signings. At the bigger signings some kind of assembly line is standard procedure. A lot of stores, especially the chains, require you to buy the books from them and show a receipt, though none of the book stores I worked at did. Limiting the number of book one person can buy as a way to keep the line moving is also pretty common. Many celebrities insist on a camera ban. That said, this one is more extreme than anything I've ever been in or seen.

OH! The yellow banner was a shock! Funny how you can know something is coming and still be so shocked when it gets here. Some of us have such a hard time with new things, but I imagine in a few weeks the comfortable green will be forgotten. NG yellow is the future and I will adjust. Now back to the regularly scheduled programming...

The first video is hilarious...

...the tomato missed Palin by about ten feet, but hit two officers after striking the stage.

Talk about a magic tomato. Has anyone considered the possibility that there was a second thrower? Greg... where were you at the time of the incident?

It was hilarious that the dufus hit a cop with the tomato. I hope the judge sentences him to read Palin's book and do a book report on it before he can leave jail. I still say they should have tasered the bum.

By Rumpleforeskin (not verified) on 08 Dec 2009 #permalink

They refer to Palin as a politician. Shouldn't that be ex-politician? aka one who quits to cash in on a book deal while the iron's hot?

By Rich Wilson (not verified) on 08 Dec 2009 #permalink