Oral Roberts is Dead

He practically invented modern TV evangelical preaching and grubbing. His death reminds me of Kristine's story.

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If there is Hell, it has a new member.

What a shame, he was on my list of people who don't deserve to die. Somewhere around position 6,797,521,087 if I remember correctly.

He gave a bad name to a good sex practice.

By Phillip IV (not verified) on 16 Dec 2009 #permalink

I know I am supposed to have sympathy towards his family, but it is difficult for me because he showed so little sympathy for people who were gay, who needed abortions, birth control

He used blackmail to get people to send him money, a spiritual blackmail to soothe his ego. Who knows how many people chose to send him money and then cut their own budget for his needs?

Good Riddance, Jerry Falwell.

By Mike Haubrich, FCD (not verified) on 16 Dec 2009 #permalink