Happy New Year!

In ten seconds:


OK, everybody back to work, party's over.

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Chopra has another mindless post on the HuffPo, titled Only Spirituality Can Solve The Problems Of The World. I read the whole thing. He's got some fuzzy definitions, praises god-consciousness, gushes about love, joy, kindness, peace, etc., but overall, it's the usual vacuous fluff. I am left with…
Marc Ambinder reports that Ken Mehlman has admitted to friends and family that he is gay (did anyone really not know?): "It's taken me 43 years to get comfortable with this part of my life," said Mehlman, now an executive vice-president with the New York City-based private equity firm, KKR. "…
There is some discussion about Bernie Sanders' strategy for winning the nomination despite being significantly behind in the pledged delegate count. Most of this discussion is nearly worthless because those engaged in it (talking and listening) are, or seem, poorly informed about how the system…
Pangea Day is May 10th. Everybody is going to get together and hold hands to bring the world together. We'll call it "Hands Across the Mid Ocean Ridges..." Well, OK, that may not work, but there will be events of interest. Today we have a little pre-Pangea Day warm up, with a selection of…

...and to you too, Greg.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 31 Dec 2009 #permalink

Frank, the "8" was not there because it was turned on its side and then was used where "infinity" was needed. This is evolution at work by co-adaptation.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 01 Jan 2010 #permalink

"I ate it" Why do puns amuse me so? So juvenile and yet so fun.