The Blog was Down but now it's Up

This blog and a few others were down for a while this morning. We apologise and promise it will never happen again.

If you see any pages that are still blank, please let me know. You can paste a comment below and point to that page by entering it in the URL of your comment (that's probably the most efficient way).

When I first saw that the blog was a blank page, and noticed that other Sb blogs were operating (by chance I sampled only blogs that happen to be running) I thought that something that had been going on in the background had somehow come to fruition. A commenter on this site got really mad at me and is actively seeking legal recourse to shut this blog down or at least have selected posts (in which I disagree with him) deleted or altered. So this morning, I thought "holy crap .... " then I thought "No way, must be a technical glitch"

Not yet, anyway.

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A commenter on this site got really mad at me and is actively seeking legal recourse to shut this blog down or at least have selected posts

What you do to piss 'em off that much?

This wasn't the only blog down. Pharyngula and Dispatches went down at the same time, and Not Exactly Rocket Science was down for a briefer period.

By Treppenwitz (not verified) on 12 Jan 2010 #permalink

This comment intentionally left blank.

I doubt that in any place other then the USA a blog commenter would even think of suing the blogger for disagreeing with them....:-)

Or, for that matter, have any hope in the first place of convincing a lawyer to pursue this for realsies.....

So is there an explanation forthcoming why those blogs were down, btw?

By Rorschach (not verified) on 12 Jan 2010 #permalink

I don't know why the blogs went down other than that it was a technical glitch. Probably the plug fell out or something.

Probably the plug fell out or something.

Just commented on one of PZ's posts from Jan 1, 2008, on MT and spamming. Reason I commented was that the post was full with spammers, lol....
SB wheels turn slowly, for sure.

By Rorschach (not verified) on 12 Jan 2010 #permalink