Mercy Corps and Haiti

Mercy Corps is said to be one of the better charities to donate to to help Haiti.

This is their main web page for Haiti.

They are: "... a team of 3700 professionals helping turn crisis into opportunity for millions around the world. By trade, we are engineers, financial analysts, drivers, community organizers, project managers, public health experts, administrators, social entrepreneurs and logisticians. In spirit, we are activists, optimists, innovators and proud partners of the people we serve. "

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By Bjorn Watland (not verified) on 13 Jan 2010 #permalink

I will vouch for Mercy Corps, which is headquartered here in Oregon. I have been contributing to them for years, and my company is offering to match employee donations for Haiti Earthquake Relief with an equal amount to Mercy Corps.

I would like to note that Doctors Without Borders lost three facilities in the earthquake and are working desperately to provide care without a lot of their equipment and presumably drugs.

If you happen to have some affiliation with Center For Inquiry, any funds sent to their SHARE program will go directly to DWB in Haiti. They are sending one hundred percent of what comes in. Here is a URL

It is my understanding that SHARE does not keep any funds that are sent in, what little administration is involved is dealt with by volunteers and CFI staff who are paid with CFI funds. Ultimately SHARE just functions as a clearing house to get funds sent directly where they are needed, to non-religious organizations. I am meeting with some CFI folks in a week or so and will find out what I can then.

If you would rather just give directly though, it very much sounds like DWB could really use some help in Haiti right now. A significant problem in disasters of this magnitude, is that the healthcare infrastructure is completely gone at a time when the need for emergency medical care is at it's highest. Not to mention healthcare workers, including emergency workers, are among the victims.

DuWayne: "Here is a URL"
As you may have already seen, it didn't make it into the posted comment.

By Ted Powell (not verified) on 14 Jan 2010 #permalink

I think I work where Gerry works. Woot.

By aporeticus (not verified) on 14 Jan 2010 #permalink