Fear of Squalene

The new strain of virus is likely to replace the older one; and if there's a third wave later in the year it could be more virulent. We had the equivalent of a flu season's worth of illness and deaths from August to November, when there are normally very few. In Canada, most of the people who died have been younger women (which is most unusual). So getting your flu shot is important, perhaps vital.

Read about it here

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Gee, if anyone is afraid of squalene they'd better not touch much less eat any plants or any animals that eat plants.

By MadScientist (not verified) on 14 Jan 2010 #permalink

They apparently aren't certain yet (he had been dead three days when found), but I am burying a childhood friend a year younger than myself tomorrow...They are pretty sure he died of the flu. No flu shot, he was reasonably healthy - dead at thirty two.

I got both regular and H1N1 vaccines. So did my wife, daughter and grand kids.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 14 Jan 2010 #permalink