Super Bowl Anti-Choice Ads

The broadcast networks that air the Super Bowl have historically rejected advocacy ads. Yet CBS, which is airing the Super Bowl this year, has accepted an anti-choice ad by the ultra-conservative group Focus on the Family.

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One more reason to fuck the Superbowl and spend my time doing something less ultra-American and more important and impacting.

I guess the best we can hope for is that people boo. I doubt that most people have the principles to overcome their Superbowlmania to show that they disapprove of such propaganda. It's just 1 game though - don't buy a ticket, and turn off that TV. Show "the man" that you're not s mindless sheep that'll swallow anything.

By MadScientist (not verified) on 30 Jan 2010 #permalink

Actually what makes this really awful is that their standards and practices rejected an add for a gay dating website.

Nobody outside the Tebow family and Dobson's propaganda machine knows just what's to be said in the ad, but extensive discussion among anti-choicers (as part of FoF's fund-raising for the ad) indicates it's about how Pam Tebow rejected Filipino doctors' advice to abort.

Which brings up two points:

1) If true, this is the story of a pro-choice triumph, as Ms. Tebow maintained full control over her own pregnancy and its treatment - exactly as feminists would wish.

2) But quite likely the story is not true, since abortion has long been totally illegal, with severe penalties, in the Philippines, and it's rather doubtful that local doctors would try to insist on a procedure which would jail them for years.

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 30 Jan 2010 #permalink

Fundamentalists twisting the truth?
I am shocked. Yeah shocked.

There are other theories about this story. Andrew Sullivan suggested that the doctor may have been suggesting an illegal but safe abortion. Maybe.
The doctor may have also suggested his mother go back to the USA for the abortion.
But then again, TrueChristians have never been known to lie for Christ, have they?

Gloria Allred Threatens CBS For Allowing Tim Tebow Anti-Abortion Super Bowl Ad (with video)

"In her exclusive interview with Allred slams the ad and CBS's decision to air it, pointing out factual inconsistencies with Pam's story. One glaring one is the fact that the act of abortion is totally illegal in the majority Catholic country of the Philippines - under all circumstances including rape and incest, and even without a provision in the circumstance that the mother's life is in danger. The law has been in effect since 1930."
"Allred warns, "If this ad airs and fails to disclose that abortions were illegal at the time Ms. Tebow made her "choice", then I intend to file a formal complaint of misleading advertising with those federal commissions [FCC & FTC].""

It's a shame the anti Ti Bow ad protesters weren't aborted then they wouldn't have the problem ..How hypocritical they are since they have already been born.