Teabaggers: "Tell congress to end Snobama! "

Michel Bachmann has organized a teabagging protest in Washington to bring right wing voters from across the nation directly into armed and ready, whites of the eye contact with members of Congress to demand that they pass legislation to end the current Snobama that is paralyzing politics and traffic in Washington D.C.

Unfortunately, all 123 Snobama protesting teabaggers got stuck in the snow crossing the mountains in Virginia on their way to Washington so the protest was canceled.

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Proving not only Obama's weather control skills, but that global warming is a liberal hoax.

By Uncle Glenny (not verified) on 06 Feb 2010 #permalink

What... They can't be serious?

Do teabaggers really think that Obama is "paralyzing traffic and politics" in Washington? How backwards can you be? These people are indescribably insane.

I thought I was keeping up, but I have no clue what 'Snobama' is. My best guesses are that either they think Obama is making it snow, or they think his snobbery is affecting traffic. It can't really be either of those, can it?

Totally predictable failure. It just doesn't work at such low temperatures - you can't go teabagging in the snow, all you'll get is blue balls.

By Phillip IV (not verified) on 06 Feb 2010 #permalink

Unfortunately, all 123 Snobama protesting teabaggers got stuck in the snow crossing the mountains in Virginia on their way to Washington so the protest was canceled.

How dire is their situation? Will our grandchildren, 100 years from now, have a history lesson to rival the Donner Party's? I would imagine a story about teabaggers and cannibalism would hold someone's interest.

Teabaggers is slang for a form of homosexual perversion.

The correct term is Tea Party or Tea Partiers.

While a case can be made that all homosexuality is a form of perversion, there is no evidence that any of the Tea Pary demonstrators were perverts.

By Charlie Tall (not verified) on 06 Feb 2010 #permalink

The very moment that every single Teabagger stops using the term "Democrat Party"to refer to The Democratic Party" I will stop calling their sorry asses "Teabaggers."

The argument that all forms of homosexuality are a form of perversion is itself an obnoxious intolerant perversion and, actually, a violation of the US constitution, and thus, unpatriotic. So Charlie, I recommend that you set abougt as soon as possibly punishing yourself.

#7 The very moment that every single Teabagger stops using the term "Democrat Party"to refer to The Democratic Party" I will stop calling their sorry asses "Teabaggers."

You crude language reflects on you, not the Tea Party.

Your statement on homosexuality and the Constitution is total nonsense. You are referred to the First Amendment.

If you think so highly of homosexuality, how do you rationalize using a slang term for a form of homosexual perversion as an insult?

By Charlie Tall (not verified) on 06 Feb 2010 #permalink

Nah, the teabaggers can back in the glory of the reflections of their own crude language. As for calling them teabaggers, (1) it's not a perversion, and (2) it's not an insult. (Why would it be?) That, of course, puts it precisely on par with "Democrat Party."

Actually, my understanding of "teabagging" was not that it is an explicitly homosexual act.

It is hilariously funny that a teabagger such as yourself is asking me to change my rhetoric because it is obnoxious or inaccurate. You must be one of the delusional teabaggers who beliefs the shit you spew at your coven meetings.

Calling them 'Teabaggers' is, of course, completely incorrect. They are 'Teabaggees,' in that their entire philosophy consists of opening wide & swallowing whatever F*x News tells them to.

Re: Charlie Tall

"Teabagging" is not a heterosexual or homosexual act. It is, however, quite telling that when YOU hear the term you picture two MEN engaged in the act.

Methinks Chuck protests too much.

Difference between USSR Communist media and USA "mainstream media"

In Russia government make media say what they want - even if lie.

In USA "mainstream media" try make government what they want - even if lie..

.....eventually they become same thing?!

Old Russian saying You can tell same lie 1000 time but not change truth!

I Igor produce Obama Birth Certificate at www.igormarxo.org

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Salute Ms Sarah!!!

Only someone trying to sodomize America would call these people "teabaggers"

By Igor Marxomarxovich (not verified) on 06 Feb 2010 #permalink

Thank you Igor, you call them "what they want", but it will "not change truth!"

By Cynic View (not verified) on 06 Feb 2010 #permalink


Get over it. The teabaggers themselves started the teabag thing, and only took issue with it once they realized what it meant. (And no, it is not an exclusively homosexual thing. It's possible to teabag a woman.)

It's like calling "neocon" a liberal epithet. No, no it's not. The neocons themselves were using it first.

Too many posts to reference, so I'll just address this to all members of the Democrap Party (and others too cheap to join).

First, I did not know what "teabagging" was until is was 1) Referred to obliquely on NBC, and 2) Explained explicitly on Huffington Post in a quotation from Rachel Madcow (for you, Smgumby).


The Huffington article stated, "everyone involved is apparently unaware of what the term "teabagging" means." I presume this included the Tea Party as well as the Democrap Party.

Unlike progressives, I don't waste my time trying to stay current with all of the homosexual slang, or any other slang for that matter. However, I congratulate you all on your scholarship. I just don't believe many of you knew what it meant before it was explained to you.

Second, once I learned that some (homosexual) deviants had invented a slang for a rather unusual form of sex, I objected to it being used for the Tea Party. It is inappropriate. I prefer the definition that means sending teabags to elected politicians as a reminder from whence comes their authority, which is far better than Rahm's dead fish.

The homosexual definition is far more inappropriate than "Democrat Party" (which is a simple and very common misnomer), or "Democrap Party," (which is also modern slang).


I like this one:
1.) A Democrat.
2.) The result of a liberal sitting on a toilet.
3.) A bigot.

What is it about the Tea Party that you all fear so much? Haven't you super-intelligent, progressive, scientific elites figured out yet that political disagreement is the cornerstone of democracy?

In one breath you condemn my remarks about homosexuals, mild as they are. In the next, you do the same thing when speaking about the Tea Party.

You anguish over the imaginary rights of homosexuals, and then try to deny the explicit rights of speech and representation by ridiculing someone you do not agree with.

There are some seriously confused people posting here.

By Charlie Tall (not verified) on 08 Feb 2010 #permalink

Whoa, hold on a second. When you say:

I prefer the definition that means sending teabags to elected politicians as a reminder from whence comes their authority, which is far better than Rahm's dead fish.

This tells me that you actually don't know what the intended meaning of "tea party" (and thus the whole teabag thing) is. Are you really that utterly uneducated and/or stupid?

Well, I guess I'm not surprised.

#18 - This tells me that you actually don't know what the intended meaning of "tea party" (and thus the whole teabag thing) is.

Taxed Enough Already. Okay, Greg?

Fiscal responsibility is the first plank in their platform.

However, the Tea Party did encourage people to send tea bags to politicians as an indication of their interest.

Do I have to restate even the most commonly known information in order to prevent you from reaching an erroneous conclusion?

By Charlie Tall (not verified) on 08 Feb 2010 #permalink

Taxed Enough Already. Okay, Greg?

Hahahahahahahahah!!!!!! You moron!!!!!

Oh, sorry, should not be so unkind.

Ah, no. Maybe try Wikipedia.

Holy moly he really does not know what the tea reference is for. And he calls himself an American. That is like being a Christian and not knowing who Jebus was.

By Lawurence of Oblivia (not verified) on 08 Feb 2010 #permalink

Oh, come on. Are you guys serious? Like the Boston Tea Party (1773) association was a secret known only to you?

Children never cease to amaze me: they are so proud of their elementary knowledge that they assume no one else shares it.

Greg, I accorded you the respect of assuming that you understood the connection with the Tea Party and so did not restate the obvious. I expected the same respect from you. I made a mistake.

Now, for all the liberal geniuses, HERE IS A PARAGRAPH FROM WIKI:

The name "Tea Party" is a reference to the Boston Tea Party, and the protests have sought to evoke images, slogans, and themes from the American Revolution.[8][9][10] The letters T, E, and A have been used by protesters to form the backronym "Taxed Enough Already."[11]

As I wrote above, "Do I have to restate even the most commonly known information in order to prevent you from reaching an erroneous conclusion?"

The answer apparently is YES.

By Charlie Tall (not verified) on 09 Feb 2010 #permalink

Are you guys serious? Like the Boston Tea Party (1773) association was a secret known only to you?

Since prompting didn't elicit it, then I was thinking that, yes. But if you say I have that wrong, then naturally I accept your statement because you know what you know a lot better than I know what you know.

Greg, I apologize for the misunderstanding. When you wrote, "This tells me that you actually don't know what the intended meaning of 'tea party' (and thus the whole teabag thing) is," I went off in another direction.

What is it about the Tea Party (2009) that you and others here find objectionable?

By Charlie Tall (not verified) on 09 Feb 2010 #permalink