"the merge window for 2.6.34 is now open"

... In other words, the next version of the Linux Kernel, versoin 2.6.33, is hereby released.

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mmmm new kernel, let's throw some in the microwave and make some popkernel.

Update time!

Screw nouveau, DRBD is HUGE. Here's hoping that makes it into RHEL 5.5 or 5.6.

I admit I'm very much looking forward to Ubuntu 10.4; there may not be a great deal of changes to the UI but the increased hardware support is going to make my spreading it around easier... I've been converting all my users; starting with "problem users" and now my "normal users"...

But 10.04 will have 2.6.32, not 2.6.33. I've been running the .33 kernel for some time, as release candidates, and have had no problems at all. It boots very slightly faster than .32, but otherwise I see no real difference. I installed Ubuntu Lucid alpha 3 today, and it looks ok so far. I'm really looking forward to getting rid of 9.10, and I regret upgrading to it.

But 10.04 will have 2.6.32, not 2.6.33.

If you want anything bleeding edge, don't use Ubuntu.