Happy First Anniversary Skeptically Speaking!

Tonight's episode marks the one year anniversary of Skeptically Speaking the radio show and podcast.

Tune in tonight a discussion of The Great Pacific Garbage Patch with Mariam Goldstein!!!

Details here

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In case I haven't mentioned it lately... you're lovely. Thanks so much for all your support this past year. It means a lot.


It's hard to believe Desiree's only been doing this for a year. She does it so remarkably well, I'm not sure why anyone else bothers to do skeptical radio/podcasts.

It's an Imperial Year (they use that in Canada). It's one fifth longer.

Hey! There was supposed to be a little heart after that word, to denote my love for you both, rather than an insult.

Bollocks. If you have to explain the joke, it's just not funny anymore.

The heart was assumed, dear (and anything in a comment with a less-than or greater-than sign is assumed to be a malformed html tag and not processed).