Tarryl Clark's Campaing Video

I would have been happier without the background music, but at least she's not you know who.

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Not a professional video. Poor audio and the stills flash too fast.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 08 Apr 2010 #permalink

I wonder if the evil tyrant George Soros will support this one too. Let's face it. He crashed the market on purpose at a strategic time. if it were not for Soros crashing the market on purpose John McCain would president. He should be prosecuted and deported to the Moon. The man is pure evil. He might be Satan in human form.

I have a friend who thinks so too:


In order to preserve ths nation , we have to start banning 527 groups and labor unions from donating money and influence to political allies. We need a limit on campaign funds. Each candidate should only be able to raise 5 million dollars. After reaching 5 million, they should be made to stop accepting donations. Donations made in cash will result in immediate disqualification from the race.

#2, we have to do something to bankrupt the old fart Soros so that he will no longer be able to pursue his world government anti-Christ utopia that he dreams of.

By Truth Giver (not verified) on 08 Apr 2010 #permalink