I for one welcome our Overlords from Galaxy M82

There is something strange in the cosmic neighbourhood. An unknown object in the nearby galaxy M82 has started sending out radio waves, and the emission does not look like anything seen anywhere in the universe before.

"We don't know what it is," says co-discoverer Tom Muxlow of Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics near Macclesfield, UK.

Whatever it is appreas to be moving at four times the speed of light. In other words, it has a Warp Drive. And, it is moving towards us, more or less. Well, at a slight angle. Better to surround us that way!!!!

I'm going to go stock up on canned foods while you go over to New Scientist and read about the details.

Note: Yes, yes, this story is close to a year old. The reason it resurfaces now is that the research is being reported today at the Royal Academy.


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Scienceblogs should have a "like" button equivalent.

By Marion Delgado (not verified) on 14 Apr 2010 #permalink

4 times the speed of light you say, M82 is 12 million light years from us so it reached us about 3 million years ago, and you know what else happened around 3 million years ago? The earliest humans began using stone tools! Coincidence? I think NOT!!!

Thankfully, it is now 36 million light years from the Earth, I doubt it will harm us again in the near future.

By feedayeen (not verified) on 15 Apr 2010 #permalink

it's the alien equivalent of "I Love Lucy" re-runs.