Stop extremist takeover of textbooks

Dear Texas Board of Education,

I have substantial concerns that the social studies standards proposed by the Texas State Board of Education are not in the best interest of students and are not based on the recommendations of respected academics in the field.

These standards place our children in a predicament. The board should reassess whether these changes are in the best interest of our children.


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Clicked. Signed.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 20 Apr 2010 #permalink


Ditto. As a Texan, I could not in good conscious ignore this minimal effort on my part. Here is my customized message.

I have substantial concerns that the social studies standards proposed by the Texas State Board of Education are not in the best interest of students and are not based on the recommendations of respected academics in the field. I am further concerned that the Board of Education places little value on objective fact or the experience of distinguished experts in a variety of field including social sciences, instead choosing to substitute their own uniformed opinions in making decisions regarding education in our state.

These standards place our children in a predicament. The board should reassess whether these changes are in the best interest of our children.

Hmm. I should have proofread that before sending it off. Uniformed decisions, indeed. Ah well, I think I made my point, however ineloquently.