A fund raising ploy worth checking out

That ad was made by Blue America and Americans for America (two .... American ... organizations).

The thing is, you can join in on the decision process for which Republican to feature in an ad produced by this team. But you have to donate at least a dollar for your vote to count. Like the old days!!!

Here's how you vote: just make a donation on the page dedicated to the culprit of your choice. If you click on the picture below, you go directly to their page. Because we're progressives and not conservatives, a one dollar donation equals the same single vote as a one hundred dollar donation. Now, one of the great aspects of this is that each one of these exceptionally bad Republicans has an exceptionally good Democrat running for the seat. Believe me, that isn't easy to find. I mean, Republican John Boozman in Arkansas, for example, is just terrible but his Democratic opponent, Blanche Lincoln, is just as bad. We won't be offering any Hobbesian choices like that. In Arkansas, to stick with that state as the example, the woman running against Griffin is state Senate Majority Leader and proven progressive Joyce Elliott.

Click here to join the fun.

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Genius, sheer genius.