Tarryl Clark is not Michele Bachmann

I just thought I'd put this up on Jaf's recommendation as an example of a non-dirty campaign ad. Substance free, perhaps, but at least it's not smear. Read Jaf's update on the Minnesota Campaigns and their ads.

As Jaf points out, Bruce Kennedy was such a nice guy, and Minnesotans are so nice, that Kennedy, when running for office, had to make his own attack ads against himself. Like this one:

And this one:

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There is one bit of substance in her article--her taking a pay cut and thinking Congress should, too. That's an issue.
The rest is fluff, but it's also fluff Michele Bachmann has done ("I'm a mom, go me!")

I wonder if we can find a way to make positive, non-smear ads work.

(Mark Kennedy did them a few years back and he lost, but I'm okay with that, because I didn't agree with him on the issues. Oh, and his ads were also about his personality and not so much the issues.)

Mark Kennedy ran against Amy Klobuchar in 2006 for US Senate. I don't think she ran attack ads either. (I think the media/editorials covered the political scope.)
Klobuchar won in a landslide.
I believe her ads were positive but not fluff, since she had things she actually did as an attorney. Again, this was 4 years ago, so I don't remember all of the details.