Casey Luskin makes a reasonable argument that biology textbooks are biased and full of lies, on Fox News


Actually, I think we can make even better arguments about Luskin's points than this fun video gives. Put them in the comment section please:

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Yeah uhm okay..
And they use human eye colour to illustrate Mendellian inheritance!

By rijkswaanvijand (not verified) on 14 Sep 2010 #permalink

Luskin is SUCH a little lying weasel. He know better, but spreads the lie anyway. He's perfect for FAUX.

It's a funny thing, but, over here in Europe, there is no controversy about evolution. It is just accepted as being true. Even the Roman Catholic Church, the largest Christian organisation, endorses evolution - and that's with a really backward-looking Pope.
I guess that it must be something to do with either intelligence or education. Let's hope that it's the latter, for that is something you can tackle.

By Malcolm Mowbray (not verified) on 14 Sep 2010 #permalink