Help Out Al Franken's Friend

I just got the following email from Al Franken:

Dear Greg,

Believe me, the last thing a Vikings fan like me would ever think to support is something called a "Cheddarbomb."

But while the Packers may be our rival, I'd do just about anything to help out my friend Russ Feingold.

His football allegiances aside, Russ is one of the most courageous and dynamic progressives in the Senate -- and he's facing a tough fight this November. Russ's opponent is spending millions of his own dollars attacking him.

Click here to join Russ Feingold's oddly named but absolutely critical "Cheddarbomb" today!

If you care about civil liberties, you want Russ Feingold in the Senate. If you care about fair elections, you want Russ Feingold in the Senate. If you care about keeping political courage as part of the Democratic Party platform, you need Russ Feingold in the Senate.

That's why I hope you'll take a look at the email below and join me in supporting Russ's "Cheddarbomb." And, if you're a Vikings fan, just think of it as compensation for stealing Brett Favre.



I had no idea Russ Feingold was in trouble. That's very bad news. Here's the link Al sent me.

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