Stick Sci Cartoon Winners Announced

The winners of the Stick Science cartoon contest, sponsored by Florida Citizens for Science, were announced on September 19, 2010. "The basic concept here," as FCFS's Brandon Haught explained in announcing the contest, "is to draw a cartoon that educates the public about misconceptions the average person has about science." And lack of artistic ability was no barrier: "all entries must be drawn using stick figures. This is about creative ideas, not artistic ability."

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Um ... Am I allowed to brag a little? ;-)

My entry was sooo awesome! Of COURSE I took third place! Of course - it should have been first - but, Oh well.

Do you feel like you know a celebrity now?

(There ... was that enough bragging)??

P.S. I thought you were going to judge! What happened? = Although, I'm glad to see that you didn't ... otherwise my awesome entry may have been disqualified!!

Awww... Thanks. :-)

I thought so ... LOL. "What we've got here is failure to communicate."

I totally forgot to get involved in this. Last year, my wife and I both placed in the contest. Of course, I have since moved away from FL, so I lost track of this. I'll have to check out this year's fun and games. I'm sure some loony will make a critique like they did last year.