New START Treaty in place, will the Teabaggers block it?

Ronald Reagan would spin in his grave.

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A deal with pinko Russians? Sounds socialist. If Baraq Hussein Obama fer'it, I'm aggin'it.


Didn't the cold war end 20 years ago?

You know something's wrong when Reagan looks like the sensible one. The negotiations may have started with Reagan, but the treaty wasn't ratified until Bush Sr. Just proof that the GOP didn't always get things wrong in the past.

By MadScientist (not verified) on 22 Nov 2010 #permalink

The tea baggers know no history, the ignorant fucktards.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 23 Nov 2010 #permalink

The Reagan that started the negotiations wasn't the REAL Reagan as per the Book of Saint Ronald.

Ronald Wilson Reagan:

six letters in the first name, six in the middle name and six in the last name.

OMG-----> 666!!!!11!!1!!1