Help me nominate a non-profit

Move On Dot Org will be transferring funds to various non-profits, or otherwise be supporting them. Unfortunately, I don't think Moveon has a rule against religious non-profis. But I do, and so do you. Please suggest a non-profit or two for me to nominate. If you area member of moveon as well, you can do this too.

Here are the guidelines:

Nominated organizations must be non-profit groups focused on causes, consequences, and solutions relating to the economic crisis. They may provide direct services such as homeless assistance, jobless help, child services, food assistance, etc., or they may engage in research, education, or advocacy on these issues. In addition, to be eligible for the giving campaign, organizations must be based in the United States and 501c3 or 501c4 non-profits with a proven track record.

Finally, any group must have a secure online donation page in order to be eligible.

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Habitat for Humanity. We have a joint student chapter for the 2 universities in town and they have been building up a storm. It's good for the students to get out and do things, and it puts many people into affordable homes.

Habitat for Humanity? Have you ever looked at their website? It says, "Habitat for Humanity International is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian organization."

No thanks.

By Mrs Grackle (not verified) on 20 Dec 2010 #permalink

Habitat is pretty religious. They don't let that ruin what they do, as far as I know ... I was involved in one habitat project where they built a house for Somali muslims to live in. Of course, that was before all the Minneapolis Somali terrorist scares happened, but whatever.

Saw on PZ's blog awhile back. If K-12 ed is your thing take a look. The idea is you choose a needy classroom: teachers post their needs/projects, a total amount needed, & you donate what you wish. Needs range from things like field trips & special classroom projects to basic supplies. As many families & school districts have been affected by the economic crunch I think this meets Greg's and MoveOn's criteria.

There's always the Asylum Law Project (U of M law students get all over the country to do grunt work on trying to get people asylum visas to stay in the US.)

By nice_marmot (not verified) on 20 Dec 2010 #permalink

Different chapters of Habitat for Humanity may behave differently, but our very active local chapter behaves the way you wish all Christian charities behaved; no religious strings seem to be attached to their projects, no screening, welcoming volunteers of all walks of life, no crowing by any local churches. So on a personal level I've got no problem with them.