Polar Bear vs. Camera (guess who wins?)

Thanks, Gwen for the tip on this must see, soon to be viral video (or is it something that's been around for years and I didn't notice?)

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I don't understand where all the other cameras were. We get some quite well-focused and well-aimed views from various angles.

I think the Polar Bear video is new. Looks like ice...moves strangely...smells funny..duh! Polar Bears aren't dumb!! It is a very funny video!!

That's a clip from a new BBC show, Polar Bear: Spy on the Ice, narrated by David Tennant (of Doctor Who fame). Hopefully they'll ship it to BBC American soonest...

By Barefoot Bree (not verified) on 31 Dec 2010 #permalink

I can imagine the bears thinking: "WTF? I can't even eat this - what use is it?" (Of course everyone knows the bears think in english - just like Yogi and Booboo.)

That other bear's going "mmm... this one makes my tongue tingle." Hopefully he won't sue for being poisoned by the battery.

I wonder if the next versions have a loud piezo horn in them. It'll be interesting to see if the bears avoid it, are agitated and attack, or look out for it and run away.

By MadScientist (not verified) on 01 Jan 2011 #permalink