Californians, Vote for Miles Kurland!

For purely demographic reasons, more Californians read this blog than people from any other US state (with New York a close second). So I know that it will matter at least a little bit if I endorse my friend, Miles Kurland for member of the California Democratic Party Central Committee.

This is from Miles' facebook page:

If you wish that the Democratic party could be more principled, more progressive, more effective than we commonly find it to be, you have a rare opportunity to participate in an election that will help determine the direction of the Democratic party in California.

Every two years there is a vote held in each Assembly District to select members of the California Democratic Party Central Committee. These are the people who will draft and vote upon the CDP's platform, make candidate endorsements, determine where party resources go. Along with the county central committees and elected officials, these will be the people who make the fundamental choices about what it means to be a Democrat in the state of California. They will be CDP convention delegates for the next two years. They will be members of the state party caucuses.

And you can help choose who those people will be.

The vote will take place this weekend. If you are a registered Democrat, you can show up and vote. You can meet the candidates and listen to why they are running. You can often find recommendations for slates of candidates on the websites of regional advocacy organizations like PDA (Progressive Democrats of America) and/or local civic & labor groups.

I'm running to be a CDP central committee member again - as I've been for the past 6 years - hoping to be among the dozen (6 men & 6 women) who will represent the 7th Assembly District - Assemblymember Michael Allen's district.

Whether you are in my district or not, I really encourage you to participate, and hope you will.

The 7th AD vote will occur this Saturday, January 8th at 600 B Street, Santa Rosa. Doors open and registration begins at 10am, with registration ending/voting beginning at noon.

The time and date for this vote in other Assembly districts can be found here:

If you are unsure of your Assembly District, you can find out by entering your address at this website:

I've know Miles for ... let's see, more than five years, fewer than 45 years. He and I actually went to high school together, and were best of friends back in those days. Or, to put it another way, we were both annoying geeks and were ostracized from normal society into the same corner. We co-experienced a part of our own personal journey away from the religion we were raised in, and we had a lot of fun being smart together about various things.

But Miles was always smarter (for reasons explained here). And, he's never stepped away from progressive politics, not even for a moment. I fully endorse him for this position.

Go vote for Miles.

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Are you not popular with readers from Texas?
Shocked. I am shocked.

Wrong district..:( But I wish them both the best.