Sarah Palin suggets we pray for Congresswoman Giffords

I recommend that instead, Sarah Palin shuts the fuck up.


See also this post.

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I concur Greg. Why pray anyway? That Christian soldier helped bring 10 people to God's bosom. Palin and like should be celebrating.

I was outraged when I read her message on her FB page. I mean, I know she's not going to take responsibility for her rhetoric. But at least have the decency to shut the fuck up.

Wasnt it the left that said "Bill Clinton has sharon angle in his crosshairs" I think it was.

Wasnt it the left who spewed hate speech calling people racist tea baggers for the past few years?

You got exactly what YOU wanted.

I blame the left wing media entirely. Its people like you who have antagonized people for the past few years.

So greg how about you shut the fuck up... :)

By Howaboutyoushu… (not verified) on 08 Jan 2011 #permalink

Call them teabaggers because it reflects the level of respect they deserve. You don't think there's any racism in the teabag group? Look at their signs at all? sorry haystfu, but if you don't want the tebaggers stereotyped, don't act like a stereotype.

One more comment about palin: even as she was offering "condolences", her minions were busily eliminating the crosshairs map from her website.

[blockquote]In the minutes following the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) and members of her staff, the website operated by Sarah Palin that illustrated Giffordâs 8th district with gun crosshairs drawn on a map was scrubbed from the internet.[/blockquote]

Afraid of more bad PR Sarah? What a sad, sad, pitiful person she is.

Actually, haystfu, your quote there brings up no Google matches. So who said anything about Bill Clinton, Sharon Angle, and crosshairs? Fox News, of course. Are you saying they're the left?

But that's just where you get it wrong. Where you get it totally fucked up is where you suggest that shootings are appropriate responses to name-calling. Seriously, dude, go get a psychiatric evaluation.

This is kind of stupid! Palin is against Giffords because Palin is a true leader in the war against Obamacare & Giffords is a supporter of it. When someone gets gunned down, it is no longer politics & Palin just asked people to pray for Giffords. Someone please explain to me what is wrong with that!

If people would look into what the T.E.A. Party stands for instead of just listening to the left bias media, you might learn something.

I'm guessing that you douche bags did not even know that T.E.A. was an acronym.

T.E.A. Taxed Enough Already. Chris, the morons in the teabag movement are convinced their taxes have increased under the current administration even though they didn't. Between that bit of idiocy, their arguments about "losing rights" under the current administration, the cries of "takeover of health care" when there has been no such thing, it isn't possible to muster enough contempt for the people setting the agenda for that group.

I believe Palin's "request for prayer" is nothing more than a PR move on her part: if the possibility of political backlash and bad publicity were not in the air (because of the history of the crosshairs ad) she wouldn't have said boo about the congresswoman. Why do I say this? Because of Palin's long history of misrepresentation and outright lying.

Palin would request prayer no matter what. It's the stock answer when someone really doesn't give a fuck and can't think of anything else to say.

Chris, we know what it means. Do you know you don't know you're a tool?

@ Lorax

Christian soldier? Hardly! More like marxist atheist soldier. From his rantings and his enjoyment of the Communist Manifesto, he sounds more like a hateful anti-religion leftist.

At any rate, I hate that this violent left wing loon shot the congresswoman and those people. I do honestly hope she fully recovers and that he gets the death penalty for his crime.

Arizona has become a bastion of civil wars becuase of the immigration situation. I do not know why. The federal government's primary job is to make sure the border is secure. At any rate, shooting congressmen and women will not solve any problems.

Last night when I watched the "news" on ABC, I placed a bet with myself saying that ABC News would blame the Tea Party or the right for this within ten minutes of the broadcast. I lost my own bet. They did it within 3 minutes. I guess that's what I get when I watch left wing media.

By Conservative (not verified) on 09 Jan 2011 #permalink

@Conservative- He also read "Mein Kampf". And Peter Pan. And Animal Farm, which is a critique of Soviet communism. Maybe, just maybe, this guy is well read. Or, more likely, he's clearly nazi communist vegetarian who never wants to grow up. We really don't know anything about him. We do know that violent language inspires violence, whether or not it inspired this violence. Your very own Fox News posted an article linking him to a neo-Nazi conservative nationalist group here:…

And here:…

AND here:…

Unless Fox News is leftist too.

Re: The topic at hand, it gets better and better:

"And I just want to clarify again, maybe it wasn't done on the record enough by us when this graphic came out, the graphic is, we never, ever, ever intended it to be gun sights. It was simply crosshairs."

Oh! They're not gun sights! They're crosshairs! Perfectly innocent crosshairs, which have no association with guns whatsoever! Why didn't I realize that? And, of course, the accompanying text about aiming at these districts simply refers to non-harmful aiming, which is what you do with crosshairs!

But wait!

"Bruce then interjected, describing the marks on the map as a 'surveyor symbol,' and Mansour agreed. 'It is a surveyor symbol.'"

Aaaaah, it's not crosshairs at all! Or maybe it is, but still- it's a surveyor symbol. Despite Wikipedia listing "firearms" as the item most commonly associated with crosshairs, it's very stupid of us not to realize their real intent. They're merely surveying the district! Perhaps taking measurements to build a new mall, or a game reserve complete with aerial gunning. Which would be done with gun sights, not with crosshairs. Or maybe it's astronomical surveying, and they're merely interested in the relative position of polaris from the candidates offices.


conservative, you show an astounding lack of clarity of thought - no surprise, I guess. I'm not sure where you got the "enjoyment" of the communist manifesto from a simple reading list (have the tea-baggers starting writing that he co-authored a new version?). did you see that mein kampf was also on the list? Perhaps, since Beck et al. are too stupid to realize that Nazis and Communists are not the same thing, and so continue to label members of the Democratic party as both, this guy read them to find supporting evidence of such. I don't believe that but it makes as much sense as your asinine assertion. Since I don't see any theme linking his books I wouldn't say he had a reading list, in the sense of something around which you shape a world view or even a political view. I'd call it a list of books he claimed to have read.

"The federal government's primary job is to make sure the border is secure."
You do know that all of the wild claims the governor made about headless bodies found in Arizona were false, don't you? You do know the crime rate in Arizona has actually decreased in Arizona over recent years, don't you? Do you pay attention to anything?

I didn't watch ABC news, so I can't say whether you are telling the truth that they blamed the tea baggers or not. I doubt they did (other than in your mind) as that hasn't occurred in any of the coverage I've seen today, from any network. Personally, I don't think he'll be tied to them in his political views: I think we'll find he is simply a young man with severe psychological problems. Could Palin's or Beck's words, or words from any other right-wing nutcase have prompted this guy to do the shooting? Possibly. Would he have done this, or something similar, if their right wing hate talk didn't exist? I think the answer there is probably.

Among my immediate problems with tea baggers are their complete rejection of reality, and all-to-willing acceptance of racism in their ranks. A very good argument can be made that had Senator McCain been elected, and behaved as President Obama has (continuing President Bush's policies on the war, government policies, etc.) the tea movement would have faded away, simply because they would have a white man using the front door to the White House instead of a black man.

I also point out the hypocrisy of the tea-bag group: their comparisons of President Obama to Hitler, or Stalin, or the devil, is merely political rhetoric. The occasional similar comparison involving President Bush (equally wrong, IMO), any expression of dissent about the two wars in which we are currently involved, statement of concern about the tax cuts, is Un-American and an expression of unity with the enemy.

I would go on but I don't want to hijack Greg's original message any more than I have.

Yes ABC news blamed it on the Tea Party or at least they tried to. Now as it turns out, the kid was just another pot smoking hippy socialist. Good job your "education" done him. Any tea partier would not be reading the Communist manifesto. As a matter of fact we would burn it, not the flag.

Looks like some little hippy pot head socialist went on a rampage. How much you wanna bet he was in favor of gun control?

I read some of his rantings and most of them made no sense, but why would he burn the American flag is he was so conservative? Why would he read evil documents written by evil warlords and assholes like Marx and Hitler? If he were a true patriot he would have used the communist manifesto and Mein Kamf as toilet paper - like they were originally meant to be used.

Back to the point. The point is that he killed people and injured a congresswoman and he should get the death penalty for it. You, see I do agree with gun control. We should screen people better when letting them buy guns. If they are socialist, we deny them any weapons - including paperclips, etc. I'm telling you, we have to get these socialists out of our education system before this whole nations rots to hell.

The fact of the matter is that this 22 year old pot smoking atheist hippy socialist, aka secular oppressive, is a threat to society like most of them. You're just mad that it turned out to be one of your own kind that committed mass murder. We should call him Che Jr. Except he isn't as ugly or stupid as Che.

I do want to congradulate the Infamous PZ Myers today. He made front page news on Conservapedia. Again.

Tuscon shooter turns out to be violent left wing kook

The tea party people are frustrating to most people (the tea partiers are a tiny fringe group, after all... conservatives seem to ignore the fact that they are a small portion of the population... they're not being oppressed - they just hate democracy) because it was the tea partiers who stood by for 8 years cheering on Bush and screaming "let the president do whatever he wants! Give them all the power they ask for! Stop asking to not be spied on, stop asking for civil liberties!" And they still rail against organizations like the ACLU even while claiming they support civil liberties. No one is fooled by them. They want someone they agree with to have power, and to be free to violate every freedom they care to. If they actually gave a damn about freedom, they would have been formed during Bushs reign for sure. Obama carries on all of Bushes policies and deserves derision too, but it was the tea partiers and other 'conservatives' who handed over the keys to the house to an ignorant murderous frat boy.

It makes more sense if we also notice that 99.9999% of the teapartiers are white, and they have shown strong signs (sometimes literally) of blatant racism, and Obama is more or less black. Throw in the angst created by the simple fact that every year that goes by our country becomes less and less white, and somehow this matters to the old white people. (Not all old white people, but these old white people.)

The Tea party or Republican party would not be 99.9 percent all white if the Democrat party would not have bought the black vote with entitlements so many years ago. It's hard to gain black voters and supporters when the other side promises free everything for life. That's tough competition.

Now, back to the point. Back in September 2010 another left wing loon took matters into his own hands. Remember the population control nut/global warming nut that took the Discovery channel hostage? Another leftwing socialist nut. You are all crazy! I think you have global warming and entitlements of the brain or something. From my own website:

As it turns out, the gunman who held hostages in the Discovery Channel building was just another radical left wing global warming nut and population control extremist. There are thousands more just like him all over the United States. These radical environmentalsists are extremely dangerous to society. They often wish to kill babies through abortion, force sterilization onto the public, and they usually replace God with the environment. If you know anyone with this attitude, please contact the authorities. Do not wait until they wield the gun (that they so passionately try to ban for the rest of us) and do their damage. Read more about this eco-terrorist here:

Discovery Channel gunman turns out to be left wing environmental extremist and population control fanatic

By Conservative (not verified) on 09 Jan 2011 #permalink

These radical environmentalsists are extremely dangerous to society. They often wish to kill babies through abortion, force sterilization onto the public, and they usually replace God with the environment. If you know anyone with this attitude, please contact the authorities.

I don't know of any baby that's been killed by abortion - no such thing as an unborn baby. Still, since you have just proven that you aren't a stereotype but an idiot who makes unsubstantiated and unsupportable assertions, let's dissect this:

"They often wish to kill babies through abortion" Yes, because it is so difficult to kill them once they're running around.
"force sterilization onto the public"
Again, true fact: just this afternoon I was out with my wire clippers and rusty butter knife forcefully sterilizing people in my local general public. But it's January and cold here, and I've decided to wait until July when folks are wearing less clothing to make finding their naughty bits easier.

"they usually replace God with the environment". Sure - makes sense.
1) God is all around us
2) The environment is all around us

Therefore God = environment.

"Do not wait until they wield the gun (that they so passionately try to ban for the rest of us)"
Can't comment on this one - I haven't had my chance with THE gun you seem to be fixating on.

conservative, your first post indicated to me that you have the intellectual resources of a baked potato. This one proves I gave you too much credit.

Dean. Don't be mad. I was just stating facts.

No such thing as an unborn baby? What the hell is pregnancy? You idiot. If a woman is pregnant then there is a baby growing inside her. Chnaging the name of of it to justify killing it, does nothing except make you a name changing baby killer.

Don't blame the shooter. "He was just a mass of cells grouped together." It's different now isn't it? dummy. From now on, anyone that gets killed will be referred to as a "mass of cells" just as they were when they were a baby growing inside the womb. As a matter of fact, I am going to have it arranged on my tombstone to read : "here lies a mass of cells. He started as one cell and evolved into many."

You people are so silly.

Oh, by the way. How do we know that this killer isn;t the gay muslim evolutionary biologist Greg was talking about the other day. I still have some questions for that mass of cells.

And on a good (but totally unrelated note) famous dog torturer Michael Vick throws an interception at the end of the game to lose the game for Philadelphia.

Old white people like my grandparents, who claimed to not be racist but when I campaigned for Obama in 08 told me to give up because "Florida would never vote for someone like him" (it did). After asking for clarification, they said a "hoodlum.". Which after four beers became "a goddamn negro."

But also young fake-tan people like my oldest friend, who think that Obama can't be an American citizen because of "the millions of dollars he spends debunking the rumors"

To clarify: because Obama says he's a citizen, he's not a citizen.

There is no logic with teabaggers.

Dean, I saw that. I forgive Vick for his dog fighting. That's in the past.

I can not forgive him for failing to beat the Packers.

Dean, I saw that. I forgive Vick for his dog fighting. That's in the past.

You're more generous than I am. I'm not convinced he's sorry for anything except the money he lost.

I can not forgive him for failing to beat the Packers.

My wife's family is from Wisconsin (Kendall, WI). She came to Kalamazoo only to attend grad school for statistics; she intended to return. I derailed the return (26 years ago). She is a rabid Packer fan. Most importantly: You don't have to live when her when the Pack is eliminated from the playoffs. I do.

These are the reasons for my double joy about the interception.

And tomorrow Auburn and Cam "Lying Asshole" Newton will go up against good ol' Chip Kelley's Ducks.

As for Michael Vick and the interception... Well, if I believed in karma, I'd say it's a bitch.

"I was just stating facts."

No, you were just being an ass, as you are in your latest post.

The incident in Tuscon, with the deaths of so many people, was possibly the action of a mentally disturbed man, but is definitely an attack on the idea of democracy.

It will result in a definite distancing between the elected and the electors, as the latter will be separated from the former by increased layers of security.

As for Conservative(posts no 13 and 16), his asinine attempts to shift the blame to some non-existent "left wing liberal hippie, etc, etc" conspiracy is evidence of stupidity and closemindedness, nothing less. The site he picked to buttress his arguments( is called "Issues That Matter: America's Moral Battleground" and it is another far right loon site. The latest posting there features this; "The media has been covering up the Tuscon shooterâs real political views including his fascination with socialism".

Oh, and over on WorldNutDaily, they are busy trying to prove that the shooting was due to Obama and Bill Ayers( There is also a headlined article "Did Giffords subscribe to assassin's YouTube?". Such sad bastards.

What's the difference between Bill Ayers and this 22 year kid? Bill Ayers skipped prison and went on to be a "teacher". Not much difference anywhere else. Both phsychotic loons. Both terrorists. Both murderers. Both fascinated with communism. Both equally dangerous to society.

By Conservative (not verified) on 10 Jan 2011 #permalink

"I recommend that instead, Sarah Palin shuts the fuck up."

So you are no more a fan of the 1st Amendment than the 2nd?

You know he posted a video of himself burning the American flag on his YouTube Channel. To the Left, torching Old Glory is endorsed as freedom of speech. But holding a peaceful, law-abiding political rally is dangerous vitriol. Funny how the "rhetoric" failed to incite a violent riot during the Tea Party rallies, but supposedly caused this paranoid schizophrenic, wet-brained, pot-smoking, Commie loner to go on a murderous rampage.
When a someone leaves a comment criticizing your blog, you respond with the why-do-you-bother-to-read-it-then retort. Why jump through the hoops to read Sarah Palin's Facebook just to tell her to shut up? Quote-mining doesn't begin to describe the knee-jerk reaction of the Left. But go ahead and embarrass yourselves even more. Certainly no one who values the Bill of Rights will attempt to silence you. Amazing how those Tea Baggers managed to deliver their "hateful vitriol" without sexual innuendo and profanity. Yep! You liberal elites are truly a class-act.
Are they saying stupid things on purpose to get attention? Or is this a juicy red herring to skip over the fact that he is an atheist?

smitty, the First Amendment says nothing about anyone but the government telling people to shut up, but great to see you know your foundational documents. How is a rally that parades eliminationist rhetoric "peaceful"? Why would you expect teabaggers to riot against each other? Who's diagnosed the shooter as paranoid schizophrenic? Nice of you to leave out the bits about his anti-government paranoia and racism, which are staples of teabagger rhetoric. Palin is a politician with a broad public platform, not some blogger. If you don't like the "quote-mining," do what everyone else does when faced with it; add enough context to change the meaning, if you can. What are you doing here but trying to shut down the discussion? "Shut the fuck up" is sexual innuendo? To what does it allude? And who cares that he's an atheist? Atheists don't generally claim any special virtue. They do, however, point out that virtue doesn't belong solely or even particularly to religion.

Wow. Wrong from start to finish.

So you are no more a fan of the 1st Amendment than the 2nd?

What exactly is me recommending that Sarah Palin shut up have to do with the first amendment? Do you know what the first amendment says? Does? Means? Is for?

Yeah, what Stephanie said.

What's the difference between Bill Ayers and this 22 year kid? Bill Ayers skipped prison and went on to be a "teacher". Not much difference anywhere else. Both phsychotic loons. Both terrorists. Both murderers. Both fascinated with communism. Both equally dangerous to society.

Bill Ayers killed 6 people? when did that happen? Any evidence to support the recent gunman was "fascinated with communism"?
(chirp chirp chirp)
Thought not.
Did you notice that Mein Kampf was on his list as well? If you believe read those books why pick and choose which political affiliation he chose? Please tell me you at least have enough intelligence to realize that Communists and Nazis aren't the same.
You conservative, are cementing your reputation as the stereotypical spouter of ignorant talking points.

Communists and Nazis are almost not the same. While Hitler did wage war on communists, he himself was a socialist. Hence the term Nationalist Socialist Party, aka NAZI. However, there is little real difference between the two. Only theoretical differences.

Communists do not allow private ownership. Instead everything belongs to the overnment and the government distributes to its people as it sees fit.

Under socialism, people are allowed private ownership until the government decides that paerticular people have too much ownership and they sieze it to give it to someone else who doesn't have as much stuff.

Either way, freedom is non-existant under both regimes.

Either way, Karl marx was just a lazy asshole.

I don;t know how many people Bill Ayers killed, but he did bomb buildings. Hence, he is a terrorist and should be in prison and not allowed to teach.

By Conservative (not verified) on 11 Jan 2011 #permalink

Conservative @13:

"Christian soldier? Hardly! More like marxist atheist soldier. From his rantings and his enjoyment of the Communist Manifesto, he sounds more like a hateful anti-religion leftist."

He's anti-everything, but the Pima County registrar has him as a Republican.

Put that in your assumption pipe and take a deep, deep toke.

If you're at all honest, if you're at all the conservative you claim to be, you will retract your false statements about Loughton's political leanings immediately. I'm not going to hold my breath, though, since the lies about his politics are apparently all that you and your ilk have to hang your arguments from.

"Arizona has become a bastion of civil wars becuase of the immigration situation. I do not know why."

I live in Arizona, and I do know why. Jan Brewer and Joe Arpaio are both grandstanding for the sake of their political gain. They're both media whores that prefer to manufacture a controversy rather than govern peaceably and sensibly.

By focusing attention on something that genuinely is not an issue, Brewer has managed to shift attention away from her track record of failure. By regularly wetting his khakis over an alleged illegal immigrant "invasion", Arpaio has managed to call attention away from his inhumane practices toward prisoners, and his total bullying of Maricopa County.

That's what's going on here. There is no illegal immigrant invasion. That is a fact.

I don't expect you to be able to deal with that, however, any more than I expect you to be able to deal with the reality of Loughton's party affiliation.

No illegal immigration invasion eh? I call 12 million illegal aliens an invasion. From the looks of things about 11,999,000 live in my county. Sometimes I have to ask "where are all the Americans?" when I go to some parts of the county.

The part I like the best is that they pay no taxes, yet they use our utilities, medical facilities, schools, etc. I wonder if I could sneak across the border and get a free handout? I doubt it. After all, I am a white Christian conservative male. Endagered species if you ask me.

No I do not retract my statements about the 22 year old marxist. He may be listed as "republican" but so are alot of other RINOS. Like Mitt Romney. He says he is "republican" all. A real republican would know better than to incite marxism (hellthcare) in his own state. Of course being from Massacussetts, I guess he's used to to it. Even if your little puppy dog marxist shooter if listed as Republican, it doesn't mean that he is conservative. A real conservative wouldn't even wipe his ass with "the communist manifesto" much less admit to reading it. I doubt if it's worth burning to keep warm in a blizzard. Waste of a good match.

But, I'll make a deal with. I will change my mind and retract my former statements if you will admit that Bill Ayers is a marxist terrorist and that socialism is a satanic inspired idea. Deal?

By Conservative (not verified) on 11 Jan 2011 #permalink

"Conservative" @37:

"No illegal immigration invasion eh? I call 12 million illegal aliens an invasion."

Provenance? Where are your stats to back up your claims?

"I am a white Christian conservative male. Endagered species if you ask me."

Yes, you and the other 100,000,000 of you in this nation. How terrible to be so outnumbered.

"No I do not retract my statements about the 22 year old marxist. He may be listed as "republican" but so are alot of other RINOS."

And thus the waffling continues. I expected as much.

"I will change my mind and retract my former statements if you will admit that Bill Ayers is a marxist terrorist and that socialism is a satanic inspired idea."

I don't know enough abut Ayers to really care much what his opinions are on anything. He might be a Marxist, or he might be a Nihilist, or he might even be a Monarchist. Really doesn't matter to me.

As for Socialism being Satanic: Since I'm an atheist, I don't believe in Satan, which means I can't describe anything as Satanic (except with ironic intent).

That aside, why my opinions should have any effect on whether you recognize reality is something that escapes me. I could be into surrealistic Zen love-poetry, for all you know; but that wouldn't change the fact that 2+2 = 4, nor would it change the fact that Loughton is a registered Republican, nor would it change the fact that Brewer is a liar about illegal immigration, nor would it change the fact that Arpaio is a grandstanding bully.

Reality is not contingent upon your opinion of it. You are entitled to your own point of view, but you are not entitled to your own facts.

Where are your stats to back up your claims about 100,000,000 white christian conservatives? I though secular oppressives always claimed we were a minority. I guess that's only when it benefits the argument.

Technically we don't really know how many illegal aliens are in this country primarily becuase they are here ILLEGALLY, hence that kind of puts a damper on the head count. Specualtion says about 10 to 12 million. Don't blame me, blame the people who came up with the figures.

As of old dirty boy shooter being a registered republicn, so what? That doesn;t make him conservative. There are alot of republicans in name only. Ever heard of the homo side of the party - the log cabin "republicans"? They may be fiscally conservative and that's the only reason they are in the party, but they sure don't fit the conservative label when it comes to much of anything else. Of course if they choose to spend their big business with us that's their business.

Again, the boy liked the "communist manifesto" which sounds like something the left would be more interested in reading and promoting.

As for Ayers and his fruitcake weathermen, theey were all terrorists. You know enough about his opinions to know that he hated America and wanted to change it into a marxist dictatorship. That's far more dangerous that what pretty boy did on Saturday. Instead of killing six, Ayers wanted to kill thousands. Yet, there he is Mr. College Professor himself. The old buzzard.

Colleges should screen their teachers better. Of course, congress could strip funding from colleges who hire professors who spout socialism. That's a good way fro the tea party ongress to start the new year. That's what I would do. Oh, and George Soros would be arrested for crimes against humanity and all his funded would be confiscated and given to all the people he has hurt just to piss off the secualr oppressives. Oh, and all organizations funded by him would be included in the arrest and confiscation as well.

But, evil thrives and good dies. So that dream would never happen. Of course I amy be looking at it all wrong too. The sooner he builds his new world order and single government of the world and gets his dictator elected, the sooner Christ will come back and wipe it out and we can all be happy.

By Conservative (not verified) on 11 Jan 2011 #permalink

"Where are your stats to back up your claims about 100,000,000 white christian conservatives? "

The foolishness of asking for data to support this assertion when you don't have any support for your claimed number of illegal aliens escapes you doesn't it?

"The part I like the best is that they pay no taxes,"
Wow. How do they manage to live here without buying food, gas, and other supplies, with the associated taxes? Or do they have a special power that allows them to avoid paying all those taxes?

"Again, the boy liked the "communist manifesto" which sounds like something the left would be more interested in reading and promoting."

Again you repeat this - but with nothing for support except your claims.

"A real conservative wouldn't even wipe his ass with "the communist manifesto" much less admit to reading it."

Yes, because the best way to understand something and criticize what it represents is to say "I don't like that there stuff." Of course, I have feeling there is another reason you didn't read it: too many long sentences, multi-syllable words, and no pictures.

"While Hitler did wage war on communists, he himself was a socialist. Hence the term Nationalist Socialist Party, aka NAZI. "

Your understanding of the NAZI party's philosophies seems to be frozen at the 4th grade level.

" Of course, congress could strip funding from colleges who hire professors who spout socialism. "

Yes, because stopping the free speech of a few people we dislike is one of the core principles of our Republic.

"Oh, and George Soros would be arrested for crimes against humanity..."

You mean like the support he gave the anti-Communist movement in his home country? Are you really such a moron that you make these statements without any understanding or knowledge of what you're discussing?

Again, I'll ask: Why all your comments fixed on the evil you see in the Communist Manifesto, with none on Mein Kampf? I would hope that even someone as closed-minded and uninformed as you would agree there is much to be abhorred there as well.

"Conservative" @39:

"Where are your stats to back up your claims about 100,000,000 white christian conservatives?"

Approximate population of the US is 350 million. Of that number, we can safely judge that at least half are adults. That's 175 million. The majority of conservatives on the US are caucasian, and I think it's safe to presume that all of them are Christian (or claim to be). Polls seem to indicate that roughly 60% of adults side with "conservative values" - if Fox is to be believed, anyway - and 60% of 175 million is 105 million.

It's called arithmetic.

"Technically we don't really know how many illegal aliens are in this country..."

Which means your numbers are unreliable. I suggest you stop tossing those numbers around. Not that you will, of course.

"As of old dirty boy shooter being a registered republicn, so what?"

Well, just a few comments ago, you were crowing his "socialist" and "liberal" status as though it was meaningful. You now get to retract all that nonsense, or backpedal and admit that his political affiliation is irrelevant after all.

Not that you will, of course. Currently you're making more waffles than IHOP.

"Again, the boy liked the "communist manifesto" which sounds like something the left would be more interested in reading and promoting."

I believe he was a reader of Marx, but he also reads Lewis Carroll, claims the government is trying to exert mind control via grammar, and thinks the US should go back to a gold-based money standard. That's a pretty intense mix of many views, some of them liberal, some conservative, and some irrelevant to politics in any way at all.

You don't get to cherry-pick reality to support your claims.

"As for Ayers and his fruitcake weathermen, theey were all terrorists. You know enough about his opinions to know that he hated America and wanted to change it into a marxist dictatorship."

You apparently didn't read my last response. I really know nothing of Ayers, and really don't care, so I'm not even sure why you keep bringing him up in this discussion. Since I don't know anything of Ayers's politics, I can neither refute nor confirm your statements.

"Colleges should screen their teachers better."

There, at least, we can agree.

You mention Christ, in your last graf. I wonder what he'd think of your willingness to distort truth - possibly even tell outright lies - to support your claims. Do you think you're doing him any favors by taking the stand that you do? Do you believe you're bearing witness to his influence in your life by behaving in the way you are? How many times did Jesus Christ behave as you are now?

Furthermore, you seem to think he's going to put to death all the people whom you personally dislike. What you don't grasp is that Revelation is not the recorded words of Christ; it's the rantings of a deranged man who never met Jesus Christ in person. At no point in any of the gospels did Christ say he was going to "wipe out" anyone.

Christ. I'm an atheist, and even I know his teachings better than you do.

Yes mein kampf was just as evil.

The facts remain.

The tuscon shooter was a left wing nut. He was:

anti-american as he burned the flag,
smoked pot and got high on mushrooms
loves communist works as well as mein kampf

Sounds left wimg to me.

Besides what about all the hate speech towards Bush and all you liberals, aka secular oppressives that wished him dead? What about:

President Obama called Republicans "hostage takers."
Former Rep and marxist Alan Grayson called his GOP opponent Daniel Webster "Taliban Dan."

Black conservative Kenneth Gladney was hospitalized in St. Louis after SEIU thugs beat him outside a Tea Party event.
The NAACP has called him an "Uncle Tom" who "deserved" to be beaten, and said he wasn't "black enough" to protect.
Governor Bobby Jindal's assistant was beaten and suffered a broken leg after she left a Southern Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans. In other words he wasn't niggery enough, to make a shorter point. maybe that's not the word to use, but it's what they meant! Call it like it is.

Airhead America talk show host Montel Williams said of Michelle Bachman: "Michelle, slit your wrist. Go ahead... or, do us all a better thing. Move that knife up about two feet. Start right at the collarbone." maybe Montel owes an apology?

The same target graphics seen on Sarah Palin's website that the Left famously denounced all weekend were - gasp! - splattered all over the Daily Kos website back in 2008 when they were moving to "target" Congresswoman Giffords and remove her from office. Hypocrites.

By Conservative (not verified) on 12 Jan 2011 #permalink

"The tuscon shooter was a left wing nut."

You keep saying that, and adjusting your "reasons", but there is no proof one way or the other.

"The NAACP has called him an "Uncle Tom"..."

No, the NAACP did no such thing: one moron employed by the organization did. You seem fond of not making distinctions between individuals and organizations.

"Governor Bobby Jindal's assistant was beaten and suffered a broken leg after she left a Southern Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans. In other words he wasn't niggery enough, to make a shorter point. "

Gee asshole, the police said the attackers were white, and there was no evidence they were involved with protests around the fundraising event. You seem to have a massive problem with truth.

Your use of "niggery" pretty much explains the reasoning behind your comments and your chosen label.