Gervais on Last Year's Rejected Godwinning

At the expense of Mel Gibson:

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Jim Lippard has some amusing excerpts from a Playboy interview (though I have it on good authority that Jim reads it only for the articles) with Mel Gibson. It's an interview that leaves you wondering why on earth someone would put such stupidity on display in public. To wit: PLAYBOY: So you can't…
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I've written before about Hutton Gibson (Mel Gibson's father) and serious crank, conspiracy theorist and proud Holocaust denier. I even speculated, based on Mel's cagey answers to direct questions about the Holocaust, speculating about whether he shares some of Hutton's beliefs. I ended up guessing…
Now that Mel Gibson has apologized for his anti-Semitic tirade during his arrest for DUI last week and the ADL has accepted Gibson's apology, everyone is discussing what the fallout will be among the Hollywood elite, many of whom happen to be Jewish. Ever the contrarian, using my knowledge of the…


dawkins - got you...

who's the WINGNUT?



an example and warning of the fate of those who try to divide people....

It's the Phantom Retard! *dramatic chord on whoopee cushion*

I hadn't seen this fucker around for a while. I thought someone had finally institutionalised him and made the streets a little safer. Apparently not.

Ricky is DA MAN! Enuff said. The hater'z' and critics just wish it could be them and are jealous but he speaks the truth without shame. Just adds cynicism and irony to make it funny medicine.

Mabus (aka dman) is just jealous of Gervais and Conan being much more humoristic whackos.
Speaking of... now I know who Mel Gibson is channeling, when he is making drunken phone calls.

By Birger Johansson (not verified) on 18 Jan 2011 #permalink