Happy Anniversary Nuclear Power Core Meltdown at Three Mile Island!

There's been about 90 or so significant nuke accidents. That's a lot considering that there are only some 400-500 or so facilities involved. But it's OK. Nuclear power is totally safe. We have backups on backups on backups. Nothing can go wrong. ... go wrong ... go wrong..

Oh, and Happy Birthday Rachel Maddow! Here's Rachel now ...

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Yes, yes, I know, "healthphysicist" ... you got food poisoning once so nothing bad that happens to a nuclear power plant could possibly ever mater.

What was the day you got that food poisoning? I want to make sure to commemorate it in a blog post because it is so fucking important.

TMI was over in four days. We're three weeks into Fukushmia and this was in my morning paper:

Japan's damaged nuclear plant may be in danger of emitting sudden bursts of heat and radiation, undermining efforts to cool the reactors and contain fallout. Limited, uncontrolled chain reactions are among the phenomena that might occur at the plant, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano told reporters in Tokyo yesterday.


Good stuff in this ISIS evaluation of those lying weasels at TEPCO:



TEPCO are the liars as NISA continues to point out, e.g. in this 1 April story from Kyodo News:

"Hidehiko Nishiyama, a spokesman for the governmental Nuclear Industry and Safety Agency, said it was ''extremely regrettable'' that TEPCO had given incorrect radiation data at the plant. The agency has strongly warned the operator over the matter and urged it to take steps not to do so again, he added."


You should read the ISIS report. The only reason that they don't say "lying weasels" is because they didn't think of that exact phrase.


Giving incorrect data isn't lying.

In everyday life, people give incorrect data frequently.

After an earthquake, a tsunami and while in the midst of a nuclear accident.....expect incorrect data more frequently.

That's not lying.

Its strange that Maddow would give a litany of successful shutdowns due to backup systems and then criticise the backups because a single plant among many couldnt handle a once in a thousand year natural event.

because a single plant among many couldnt handle a once in a thousand year natural event.

You seem to have a strange idea of "once in a thousand years" since only in the last century there were 4 more severe earthquakes that the Japan one and I can remember a tsunami that killed 100.000 people from this century.
A thousand years pass extremely quickly sometimes...