Josh Rosenau - The Evolution Revolution - Podcast

In this interview with Karen Stollznow, Josh presents the "Three Pillars of Creationism", the beliefs and claims of creationists. He describes their rhetoric and propaganda, and the setbacks they cause for science, from legal cases to creationist theme parks.

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Point of Inquiry: Our guest this week is Josh Rosenau, the Programs and Policy Director of the National Center for Science Education (NCSE), and writer of the blog "Thoughts from Kansas" at ScienceBlogs.... In this interview with Karen Stollznow, Josh presents the "Three Pillars of Creationism",…
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I really enjoyed this episode, and I think the work Josh Rosenau & the NCSE is very important. However I question his snobby attitude towards upstate New York. If the NCSE had been in Buffalo it would be harder for critics to dismis it as a lefty Bay Area organization.

Complex, I agree, and I have always wondered why Berkeley was chosen. It is not an inexpensive place to run a non-profit foundation. It should be located in Texas.

By Rochester Mom (not verified) on 22 Apr 2011 #permalink

No time to read now. Busy listening to 271 podcasts.

By Riman Butterbur (not verified) on 23 Apr 2011 #permalink