Talk Origins wants to buy Expelled. Can you help them?

Apparently, when you make a movie, there's this box of stuff left over that someone has to own. It can include things like the original unedited film/video, from which the director and editors selected/cherry picked what they wanted to include, as well as various correspondences and documents and stuff.

The company that produced that horrid piece of drek known as "Expelled! No Intelligence Allowed" has gone out of business (a little Darwinian process at work, may we assume?) and the box of stuff that resulted from that film is now on the auction block. The auctioneer's gavel will strike this Tuesday (June 28th).

And, Talk Origins, the original intertubual entity on the science side of the evolution-creationism debate (or at least the earliest one that is still going strong) is trying to buy it.

Wesley Elsberry at Panda's Thumb has the details here. It is a little complicated. But for you, simple: Just click the paypal button and give them some money, then wait. They can use your help and you can be part of an historic moment.

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God damn that would be deliciously ironic. I wonder if PZ and Dawkins have sent out their flying monkeys on this one yet...

By Drivebyposter (not verified) on 25 Jun 2011 #permalink

I wonder if there are any smoking gun lawsuit worthy film clips in there? Ones that might make really good evidence in any future trial on ID?