Obama Destroys Internet!!!11!!

President Barack Obama shut down dozens, possibly hundreds, of web sites of members of US congress moments ago when during a moving oration about the US Budget Crisis he suggested that people contact their members of congress immediately. In particular, Obama stated that it has become the norm to consider "compromise" to be a dirty word in American politics.

We've been checking on all the sites for our local representatives and they are all down.

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That is hilarious! I think some politicians are going to be told to maybe tax the rich a bit....

One good DOS (by Congress) deserves another DOS (by the People)

By FormerComposer (not verified) on 25 Jul 2011 #permalink

I would say that is hilarious if it wasn't a dangerous slippery slope precedent.Its always funny when "we" do it, but...

By Fauxminist Man… (not verified) on 25 Jul 2011 #permalink

Gasp! Obama is Anonymous!!

By surgoshan (not verified) on 25 Jul 2011 #permalink

As of 9:23 CST, the websites for both Senate and House are still down!!!

Its always funny when "we" do it, but...

"We" didn't do it, moron, and neither did Obama.

By Raging Bee (not verified) on 25 Jul 2011 #permalink

@LarianLeQuella: It's even worse. Boehner wasn't just weaselly. Remember when he said that "Cut, Cap, and Balance" had bipartisan support? He lied. Either that, or the SOB really thinks that a bill supported by an overwhelming majority of one party and opposed by an overwhelming majority of the other party can reasonably be called "bipartisan."

By J. J. Ramsey (not verified) on 26 Jul 2011 #permalink

Trust me, there are enough Soros left wing groups out there, THAT DO NOT WORK, but just sit around waiting for ques such as what the Kenyan said. The purpose of crashing internet sites is to give the appearance that possibly MILLIONS of "Americans" were folowing the Kenyan and his ideology, that wasn't the case at all. As with everything else associated with the village idiot from Kenya, it's all an illusion that's orchestrated by his massah unca Soros; owner of the worlds most expensive slave, Barry Soetoro.

By Keith Greene (not verified) on 26 Jul 2011 #permalink

Keith Greene, I recently accused someone of drinking the kool-aid straight from the fire hose. Then I read your comment. Now I need to go apologize to him. Excuse me.

By richardrob (not verified) on 26 Jul 2011 #permalink

LMAO!!! After you re-shine Barrys shoes, post again, I got a great laugh. Some more facts that will happen in the future.

1.Obama Suspends The Elections
⢠The Obama administration will continue to propagate their made up âterrorist threats.â Those âthreatsâ will increase exponentially as the 2012 Presidential elections draw near. Therefore, the Kenyan will have to suspend the elections and declare martial law since the âgovernmentâ has received âcredibleâ intel that Americas polling places are terrorist targets, and in order to keep us safe, the elections will be suspended until it is safe for them to resume. Why else would our c l own in chief do the things he does with complete arrogance and impunity. America, âWe The Peopleâ must be prepared for whatâs coming.

⢠Obamas terrorism will be a simple act to pull off; Obama is very good friends with weather underground terrorists Bill Ayers, Bernadine Doehrne as well as numerous Islamic terrorist organizations. If will be very easy for them to set explosive devices in obscure polling places around the nation, hopefully not while occupied, then begin a series of bombings all the while blaming it on âterroristsâ which will be true, but the Obama regime would have us believe it will be homegrown terrorists, NOT his good buddies Bill Ayers, Bernadine Doehrne, islam or the rest of that fanatical ilk. Of course, all financing will be provided by Obamas owner and massah, George Soros.

⢠Now that the government has its newly acquired powers over the internet, the internet will be seized to eliminate fast communications so citizens are unable to quickly mobilize. I also suspect all cell phone networks will be shut down as well; their justification will be that those pesky âterroristsâ may try setting off bombs remotely byâ¦. CELL PHONE!!

By Keith Greene (not verified) on 26 Jul 2011 #permalink

What the world needs now is love sweet love!

As far as I am concerned (irreguardless of political views), this action in and of itself is:

A TERRORIST DECLARATION OF WAR by Obama on the PEOPLE of the United States.

As was mentioned in one comment - this action sets a precedent and we need to be fighting back -- and quickly!

the pres must be a hacker, causing all those DOS's

that's illegal. he should be removed.

As far as I am concerned (irreguardless of political views)

Double fail. If you are going to use a nonsense word, at least try to spell it properly.

Keith Green - You forgot to mention the million UN troops that are hiding in the national parks as well as the shape shifting lizards. Seriously, take your meds and stop listening to Alex Jones.

By Militant Agnostic (not verified) on 26 Jul 2011 #permalink

@13.JLynn | July 26, 2011 8:29 PM :

As far as I am concerned (irreguardless of political views), this action in and of itself is:

A TERRORIST DECLARATION OF WAR by Obama on the PEOPLE of the United States.

As was mentioned in one comment - this action sets a precedent and we need to be fighting back -- and quickly!

Out of sheer morbid curiousity, JLynn :

1) How in the blazes are you drawing that conclusion?

2) How does that not apply equally to the Republicans?


3) fighting back - *how* exactly?

Also :


@13.JLynn | July 26, 2011 8:29 PM :

As far as I am concerned (irreguardless of political views), this action in and of itself is:

A TERRORIST DECLARATION OF WAR by Obama on the PEOPLE of the United States.

As was mentioned in one comment - this action sets a precedent and we need to be fighting back -- and quickly!

Out of sheer morbid curiousity, JLynn :

1) How in the blazes are you drawing that conclusion?

2) How does that not apply equally to the Republicans?


3) fighting back - *how* exactly?

Plus also :

@9 Keith Greene | July 26, 2011 10:19 AM :

Trust me, there are enough Soros left wing groups out there, THAT DO NOT WORK, but just sit around waiting for ques such as what the Kenyan said.

Y'know Obama *did* produce that Hawaiian birth certificate and trumped that whole "Birther" baloney right?

Are you guys really still going to with that rubbish "Kenyan" line? Like *really*??

D'oh! Sorry about the semi-double post if it happens which it probably will - I thought that first one hadn't come through. Now there's a second more complete andexpanded one currently awaiting moderation or something. Oops. Mea culpa.

StevoR -

I believe that 'Fighting Back' means 'Cut taxes on the already-fantastically-rich whilst removing what remains of the social protections for the poor'. It's the will of the American People*

Not sure about the 'terrorist declaration of war' though, since terrorists don't declare war, pretty much by definition.

*People that matter, anyway, if you happen to be poor or old or young or unemployed or ill it's your own fault, really. The important thing is that rich people can affort that third yacht, otherwise it's economic Armageddon.

By Andrew Dodds (not verified) on 27 Jul 2011 #permalink

Todays lessson fot the left. More to come if the left "intellect" can deal with fact.

Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, and Obama's Entry into Politics:

In the mid-1990s, Obama developed a friendship with fellow Chicagoans Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn, university professors who hosted meetings at their home to introduce Obama to their neighbors during his first run for the Illinois state senate in 1996. Ayers (who contributed money to Obamaâs 1996 campaign) and Dohrn had been leaders of the 1960s domestic terrorist group Weatherman, a Communist-driven splinter faction of Students for a Democratic Society. The pair had participated personally in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, the Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972. To this day, both have remained unrepentant about their former terrorist activities and their hatred of the United States.[4]

There is compelling evidence suggesting that Ayers contributed heavily, if not entirely, to the writing of Obama's 1995 memoir, Dreams From My Father.

When questioned about his relationship with Ayers during an April 2008 Democratic primary debate, Obama responded:

âThis is a guy who lives in my neighborhood, who is a professor of English in Chicago, who I know, and who I have not received some official endorsement from. He is not somebody who I exchange ideas from [with] on a regular basis. And the notion that somehow, as a consequence of me knowing somebody who engaged in detestable acts forty years ago when I was eight years old, somehow reflects on me and my values doesn't make much sense ⦠[T]his kind of game, in which anybody who I know, regardless of how flimsy the relationship is, [that] somehow their ideas could be attributed to me, I think the American people are smarter than that. Theyâre not gonna suggest somehow that that is reflective of my views, because it obviously isnât.â

Chicago Annenberg Challenge and Bill Ayers:

But in reality, Obama's ties to Ayers were deep and longstanding. In 1995, for instance, Obama was appointed as the first Chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC), a âschool reform organizationâ founded by Ayers, who would later write, in his book Teaching Toward Freedom, that his educational objective was to âteach against oppressionâ as embodied in âAmericaâs history of evil and racism, thereby forcing social transformation.â

When National Review Online writer Stanley Kurtz in 2008 asked the Obama presidential campaign about the nature of its candidate's connection to Ayers and the CAC, the campaign issued a statement claiming that Ayers had not been involved in the ârecruitmentâ of Obama to the CAC board in 1995. But when Kurtz reviewed the CAC archives at the Richard J. Daley Library at the University of Illinois, he found that Ayers in fact had been one of five members of a working group that assembled the initial CAC board which hired Obama.

âAyers founded CAC and was its guiding spirit,â Kurtz wrote in September 2008. âNo one would have been appointed the CAC chairman without his approval.â According to Kurtz, the CAC archives show that Obama and Ayers worked as a team to advance the foundation's agenda -- with Obama responsible for fiscal matters while Ayers focused on shaping educational policy. The archived documents further reveal that Ayers served as an ex-officio member of the board that Obama chaired through CAC's first year; that Ayers served with Obama on the CAC governance committee; and that Ayers worked with Obama to write CACâs bylaws.

A September 2008 WorldNetDaily report offers still more details:

âAyers made presentations to board meetings chaired by Obama. Ayers also spoke for the Chicago School Reform Collaborative before Obama's board, while Obama periodically spoke for the board at meetings of the collaborative ⦠According to the documents, the CAC granted money to far-leftist causes, such as the radical Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, which â¦has done work on behalf of Obama's presidential campaign.â

WorldNetDaily reported further that âwhile Obama chaired the board of the CAC, more than $600,000 was granted to an organization founded by Ayers and run by Mike Klonsky, a former top communist activist. Klonsky was leader of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party, which was effectively recognized by China as the all-but-official U.S. Maoist party.â Said Stanley Kurtz:

âInstead of funding schools directly, [the CAC] required schools to affiliate with âexternal partners,â which actually got the money. Proposals from groups focused on math/science achievement were turned down. Instead CAC disbursed money through various far-left community organizers, such as ACORN.â

By Keith Greene (not verified) on 27 Jul 2011 #permalink

Obama isnt causing the republicans to turn off their web sites they have all been off for weeks....

[Editors Note: Several thousand word rant by birther deleted entirely. Sorry, not here.]

By Keith Greene (not verified) on 28 Jul 2011 #permalink