Comparative Snorking

I don't have the same circle Google Girl has but I do have a Circle of Shame. You want to stay out of there.

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Oh man, that's great.

By Robert Sacerich (not verified) on 26 Sep 2011 #permalink

Facebook versus Google+ is like cattle rancher versus sheep herder. Either way, you as user are the herd/flock. So far, I am avoiding both of these as the cost of admission seems high, and the eventual price that gets paid seems far from clear.

Probably the sheep think the farmer is a great guy - guarding them, feeding them, caring for them, right up until the end . . .

Must be for another demographic because I lost interest less than 15 seconds in.


I think what I really need is an anitsocial network.

Nemo, there was a thing called "hate book" (or something). Facebook might have closed it down, though.