What is our most pressing energy challenge?


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Well three of the choices are so interrelated as to be indistinguishable. National security is also closely related but not for reasons of foreign oil. Foreign oil is a concern but is short term compared to the others.

All of the above - and as ppnl has pointed out there's huge overlaps between them.

Ocean acidification is part of the wider problem of Human Induced Rapid Global Overheating (HIRGO) and if we don;t take action to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels that leads to worse severity for HIRGO plus hitting the Peak Oil crisis sooner and with that having a more devastingly impact.

We not only cannot treat these issues in isolation given the extensive overlaps between them but these are all also linked to the Overpopulation crisis of too many people, not enough planetary resources to go around. Certainly not for everyone to live the sort of Western lifestyle most of us now lead.