Bachmann Ends Campaign

Only hours after indicating that she would take the fight to New Hampshire, we now hear that Michele Bachmann will suspend her presidential bid today. She is expected to make the announcer soon from West Des Moines.

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But, but, but....G_d told her to run. I guess he was just joshing her around and will soon poke her in the ribs and say (so as only she can hear): "Just kidding".

I thought god spoke to her? There were good buddies! Well, that's one less loony in the race - now to eliminate all the others. I'm hoping they end up with Mitt Romney and then dump his ass in the last minute because the God's Own Party won't have no filthy mormons. Oh well, I like my fantasies.

By MadScientist (not verified) on 04 Jan 2012 #permalink

Of all the GOP candidates she was the only one that was whacked out enough to be entertaining without being creepy about it. Kind of a Tickle-me-Elmo doll programmed with a mix of garbled standard GOP talking points and the best of Glen Beck.

That's just one one of the problem with letting a crazy husband and God be 'the wind beneath your wings'. You gust never know when the magic will stop.

The other candidates are more worrying and that subtracts quite a bit from their cute-funny coefficient. When you figure out that Ron Paul means by 'freedom' that money and property will have primacy over people his cute factor drops.

Mittens is simply a chiseler who euphemistically calls liquidating US labor 'creating jobs' and considers the hardships of poverty 'character building'. A man who has no experience with hardship touting its benefits. Somehow, being religious, moral, tall, and of 'good character' makes that all right.