Recharge your phone with tiny turbines attached to your mouth?

I'm not recommending this. In fact, I may recommend against it. But I thought you should know:

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Wouldn't it be easier and simpler to utilise the ~ 1" bobbing motion of each step while walking?

a hannibal lecter mask for your phone

Probably works pretty well if you are breathing hard. Given the power needed, miniscule as long as they aren't trying to do it all over too short a time, it shouldn't interfere with breathing much. Wearing it at sea level might feel like you are running a few thousand feet higher in altitude. Just a bit harder to catch your breath. Probably feel it most uphill.

Which might be good thing if you want to add a little more exertion, or are training for a higher altitude. That and the Darth Vader look might intimidate other runners.

The only real value I could see for this product is in emergency situations where you need an energy source but the power is out.
Maybe the idea itself could be extended and made into something more practical than this.

By Drivebyposter (not verified) on 12 Mar 2012 #permalink

Anyone with a heart condition should be warned that doing this while exercising would be like giving yourself a mild case of asthma.

We are always warned "seek the advice of your doctor before engaging in any exercise routine" ... as if. In this case, I would heartily recommend it!

What's the point if they don't make a siren whistle out of it?