Rick Santorum is out of the race.

Rick Santorum, Republican Candidate, has essentially dropped out of the Republican presidential race. Gone, but not forgotten.

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I got the impression that a big reason for this is the health status of his youngest daughter - she is just out of the hospital again, correct?

Sad, as I was sooo enjoying watching the fundi nut and the animatronic jerk thrash each other.

Especially nice is when the friction threw off sparks that highlighted the most egregious parts of conservative doctrine, like the general misogyny and desire to control women that was thrown into sharp highlight.

It was to good to last.

Willard has gotten into the habit of winning votes by overwhelming the opponent in the sheer weight of thrown accusations and rhetoric. He has won by outspending his opponent 8:1 or more. Estimates are that both Obama and Willard have roughly one billion dollars on hand.

I suspect Willard has another billion in support through super-PACs that haven't been cited but, given the stealth nature of these entities, we may never know the real figure. What seem true is that it is going to get loud, saturated to the point of omnipresence and very, very ugly. Might want to trade the popcorn in on something stronger ... scotch ... Thorazine ... whatever does it for you.

NO Dean, I got the impression that he's a phony, racist, warmongering, mediocre politician. Your impression sounds more like an excuse.. They all drop out because of some b.s. excuse, few, big F, FEW ever come out and say "our campaign was winding down, out message just wasn't bringing enough people together so we are officially dropping out of the race".
But sure, you can go ahead and make excuses for a man you've never met and whom you only know through some sound bytes and second hand anecdotes.

By from_the_bleachers (not verified) on 10 Apr 2012 #permalink


Get a grip. I am no fan of his and have not
defended him here or anywhere else. Apparently you took my question as pleading on his behalf.
I do view him as a bad mix of stupidity and dishonesty,
but I have no reason to think he doesn't love his
kids and THAT was the reason for my question.
If her health had nothind to do with his decision
then my thought was wrong.

You may want to consider looking for information
before going off on a rant and making shitty comments
about someone you've never met.

Typing on a phone screws me again. My comments are meant for poster 4. My apologies to the third poster.

Santorum was not my favorite even though we see eye to eye on some issues. Romney is the RINO. A complete fake. My guess is some creature stole his soul and is inhabiting his body for laughs.

On the stupid comment from ART stating some silly something about "desire to control women", I do not know from whence such a made up thing came. Nowhere in the campaign have I heard a candidate say that they wish to control women.

Now there were some instance when the woman right to kill her unborn baby came up and some instances when baby killer drugs (RU-486) and other such things came up, but I though women controlled the world and that politicans had little to do with sluttery pills. (Birth control)

I was unaware of this mass control effort by Republicans. Please enlighten me. Perhaps they will use NDAA to control women? FEMA Camps? HAARP? Just what method does the commentator ART propose that simple minded republicans can control women with?

Oh and as for typin on your PHONE, Dean ... Try typing on a computer or typewriter or other such device that was actually made for typing. I hate these damned new phones. So many phone addicts out there. It's worse than cocaine with sugar mixed in it. I fear that cell phone addiction is at least 999 trillion times worose than drug and alcohol addiction. Good thing I have my own cell phone signal blocker to keep pests on speakerphones away from me.

I was ready to vote for Santorum in the primary. The Tea Party branch of the GOP deserves a presidential candidate who clearly hates America for its freedom. And Santorum did that.

It struck me as odd, but no harm - no foul.

Santorum departs from behind leaving Romney to clean up.

As Rick pulling out Romney was apparently wiping Santorum off the floor in his home state.

Santorumâs departure leaves Republicans with a bad smell after their messy race finally climaxed.


Got to get those last few in before Mr Stinkyfroth disappears into well deserved obscurity forever! ;-)


So the richest contender has won the 2012 Republican nomination race; who wouldâve guessed?

Well, pretty everyone really! Main surprise is that it took this long and was this damaging to Mittens in the first place. But finally now the Republicans have their inevitable "Oh Geez, if we *really* must! If we really cannot find anyone better!" candidate ready to unethusiastically put forward against President Obama for the actual '12 election.

It's going to be a lot harder for Mittens Rmoney to spend his way to the job of POTUS though. I'm pretty confident now in saying that Mitt will now lose bigtime to Obama in the Main Event.