Demonstration of the Double Helix

This is a proof of concept blog post. Please give it a try and let me know if it works for you!

Double Helix from the Wolfram Demonstrations Project by Sándor Kabai

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Hello again. Sorry, I've been away of late. My kids (and then I) got a nasty bout of the tummy bug, so was sidelined for the better part of last week (trust me, the blog was the last thing on my mind). As well, this week is also a little tight on time since I'm hosting another one of my world…

Too wide for column.
Item is not interactive on FireFox 3.0.15 RedHat Enterprise Linux 5 (old!)

Works for me visually but not interactively, and tells me to get wolfram cdf player.

on Opera 11.60...

Will try again later, after downloading finished

Interactivity works, though it has a cylinder in it for no good reason I can determine. Maxing out rungs makes it less obtrusive, but still there...

Chromium18.0.1025.151 (Entwickler-Build 130497) Ubuntu 11.10
WebKit535.19 (trunk@106313)
Flash11.2 r202
No interactivity.

By wereatheist (not verified) on 25 Apr 2012 #permalink

Works for me after a browser restart. But isn't that the wrong turn?

PC, FF 11.0

Works fine for me in Chrome 18.0.1025.162 m running on Windows Vista once I downloaded the wolfram plugin. Sphere resolution is a little clunky compared to Jmol, but otherwise fine and smoothly responsive.