Almost three in four of Americans polled accept recent global warming

Almost three in four of Americans accept recent global warming, according to a new poll conducted for the Washington Post and Stanford University — but only three in ten agree that it is mainly due to human activity.

Asked "Do you think that the world's temperature probably has been going up ["slowly" was used with half of the sample] over the past 100 years, or do you think this probably has not been happening?" 73% of respondents said yes, 25% of respondents said no, and 2% indicated that they didn't know or refused to answer.

That's from the NCSE

Here's the study (PDF)

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Well this obviously means that science is paying 73% of the american population. SHILLS! 200+ million of them!

By Drivebyposter (not verified) on 10 Jul 2012 #permalink

So we're seeing the long predicted shift from "It's not happening" to "It's happening but not our fault".

By Daniel J. Andrews (not verified) on 11 Jul 2012 #permalink

In a smoky factory if we measure the level of oxyzen we find lower than outside that means due to our activity environment loses fineness which should be understood by all.